Table of contents



Attribute Type
barcodeFormatIds number | EnumBarcodeFormat
barcodeFormatIds_2 number | EnumBarcodeFormat_2
expectedBarcodesCount number
deblurLevel number
scaleDownThreshold number
localizationModes number | EnumLocalizationMode
binarizationModes number | EnumResultCoordinateType
region Region
minBarcodeTextLength number
minResultConfidence number
resultCoordinateType number | EnumResultCoordinateType
intermediateResultTypes number | EnumIntermediateResultType
intermediateResultSavingMode number | EnumIntermediateResultSavingMode
deblurModes number | EnumDeblurMode
scaleUpModes number | EnumScaleUpMode
terminatePhase number | EnumTerminatePhase
timeout number
furtherModes FurtherModes
barcodeZoneMinDistanceToImageBorders number
maxAlgorithmThreadCount number
returnBarcodeZoneClarity number
textResultOrderModes EnumTextResultOrderMode


Sets the formats of the barcode in BarcodeFormat group 1 to be read. Barcode formats in BarcodeFormat group 1 can be combined.

Value Range A combined value of the EnumBarcodeFormat items.

Default Value BF_ALL

Remarks If the barcode type(s) are certain, specifying the barcode type(s) to be read will speed up the recognition process. If you are looking to set a barcode format that is included in the second group, please refer to barcodeFormatIds_2.

let runtimeSettings = await reader.getRuntimeSettings();
runtimeSettings.barcodeFormatIds = Dynamsoft.DBR.EnumBarcodeFormat.BF_ONED | Dynamsoft.DBR.EnumBarcodeFormat.BF_QR_CODE;
await reader.updateRuntimeSettings(runtimeSettings);


Sets the formats of the barcode in BarcodeFormat group 2 to be read. Barcode formats in BarcodeFormat group 1 can be combined.

Value Range A combined value of the EnumBarcodeFormat_2 items.

Default Value BF2_NULL

Remarks If the barcode type(s) are certain, specifying the barcode type(s) to be read will speed up the recognition process.

let runtimeSettings = await reader.getRuntimeSettings();
runtimeSettings.barcodeFormatIds_2 = Dynamsoft.DBR.EnumBarcodeFormat_2.BF2_POSTALCODE | Dynamsoft.DBR.EnumBarcodeFormat_2.BF2_POSTNET;
await reader.updateRuntimeSettings(runtimeSettings);


Sets the number of barcodes expected to be detected for each image.

Value Range [0, 0x7fffffff]

Default Value 1

Remarks The following explains the value:

  • 0: means Unknown and it will return the result of the first successful localization mode attempt.
  • 1: try to find one barcode. If one barcode is found, the library will stop the localization process and perform barcode decoding.
  • n: try to find n barcodes. If the library only finds m (m < n) barcode, it will try different algorithms till n barcodes are found or all algorithms are tried.
let runtimeSettings = await reader.getRuntimeSettings();
runtimeSettings.expectedBarcodesCount = 3;
await reader.updateRuntimeSettings(runtimeSettings);


Sets the degree of blurriness of the barcode.

Value Range [0, 9]

Default Value 0

let runtimeSettings = await reader.getRuntimeSettings();
runtimeSettings.deblurLevel = 9;
await reader.updateRuntimeSettings(runtimeSettings);


Sets the threshold used to determine if an image will be shrunk during the localization process.

Value Range [512, 0x7fffffff]

Default Value 2300

Remarks If the shortest edge size is larger than the given threshold value, the library will calculate the required height and width of the barcode image and shrink the image to that size before localization. Otherwise, the library will perform barcode localization on the original image.

let runtimeSettings = await reader.getRuntimeSettings();
runtimeSettings.scaleDownThreshold = 1000;
await reader.updateRuntimeSettings(runtimeSettings);


Sets the mode and priority for localization algorithms.

Value Range: Please see EnumLocalizationMode to learn of the different localization types.


Remarks To learn more of the purpose of localization in the algorithm, please refer to this Algorithm Overview page.

let runtimeSettings = await reader.getRuntimeSettings();
runtimeSettings.localizationModes = [Dynamsoft.DBR.EnumLocalizationMode
.LM_CONNECTED_BLOCKS, Dynamsoft.DBR.EnumLocalizationMode.LM_SCAN_DIRECTLY, Dynamsoft.DBR.EnumLocalizationMode.LM_LINES, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
await reader.updateRuntimeSettings(runtimeSettings);


Sets the mode and priority between the different algorithms of the binarization process.

Value Range Please see EnumBinarizationMode


Remarks To learn more of where binarization stands in our algorithm, please refer to this Algorithm Overview page.

let runtimeSettings = await reader.getRuntimeSettings();
runtimeSettings.binarizationModes[0] = Dynamsoft.DBR.EnumBinarizationMode.BM_SKIP;
await reader.updateRuntimeSettings(runtimeSettings);


Sets the Region including the regionTop, regionLeft, regionRight, regionBottom and regionMeasuredByPercentage. To learn more about how the region parameters work, please refer to the Region section of the Parameters Template

// Use a region positioned at the centre with 50% width and 50% height of the frame
let runtimeSettings = await reader.getRuntimeSettings();
runtimeSettings.region.regionLeft = 25;
runtimeSettings.region.regionTop = 25;
runtimeSettings.region.regionRight = 75;
runtimeSettings.region.regionBottom = 75;
runtimeSettings.region.regionMeasuredByPercentage = true;
await reader.updateRuntimeSettings(runtimeSettings);

Experimental feature:

When using the BarcodeScanner class, region can be an array. For example region = [r0, r1, r2], 0th frame use r0, 1st use r1, 2nd use r2, 3rd use r0, and then loop like this.

let runtimeSettings = await reader.getRuntimeSettings();
runtimeSettings.region = [
  null, // full image
  {regionLeft:25,regionTop:25,regionRight:75,regionBottom:75,regionMeasuredByPercentage:true}, // center 50% 
  {regionLeft:5,regionTop:45,regionRight:95,regionBottom:55,regionMeasuredByPercentage:true}, // width 90%, height 10% 
await reader.updateRuntimeSettings(runtimeSettings);


Sets the minimum barcode text length that the SDK will detect. If a barcode’s text is shorter than this value, the SDK will reject that result. A value of 0 means there is no limitation on the barcode text length.

Value Range [0, 0x7fffffff]

Default Value 0

let runtimeSettings = await reader.getRuntimeSettings();
runtimeSettings.minBarcodeTextLength = 6; // reject barcode results shorter than 6 characters
await reader.updateRuntimeSettings(runtimeSettings);


Sets the minimum confidence of the barcode result that the SDK will accept. If a barcode result’s confidence is lower than this value, the result is rejected. A value of 0 means there is no limitation on the result confidence.

Value Range [0, 0x7fffffff]

Default Value 30

let runtimeSettings = await reader.getRuntimeSettings();
runtimeSettings.minResultConfidence = 30; // reject any barcodes that have a confidence lower than 30
await reader.updateRuntimeSettings(runtimeSettings);


Determines what the format for the result coordinates is. The default coordinate type is a pixel format.

Value Range Please see EnumResultCoordinateType

Default Value EnumResultCoordinateType.RCT_PIXEL

let runtimeSettings = await reader.getRuntimeSettings();
runtimeSettings.resultCoordinateType = Dynamsoft.DBR.EnumResultCoordinateType.RCT_PERCENTAGE; // report coordinates in percentage rather than pixel
await reader.updateRuntimeSettings(runtimeSettings);


Sets which types of intermediate result to be kept for further reference.

Value Range A combined value of the EnumIntermediateResultType items.

Default Value IRT_NO_RESULT

let runtimeSettings = await reader.getRuntimeSettings();
runtimeSettings.intermediateResultTypes = Dynamsoft.DBR.EnumIntermediateResultType.IRT_ORIGINAL_IMAGE;
// or if you would like to combine values to obtain multiple intermediate result types
runtimeSettings.intermediateResultTypes = Dynamsoft.DBR.EnumIntermediateResultType.IRT_ORIGINAL_IMAGE | Dynamsoft.DBR.EnumIntermediateResultType.IRT_BINARIZED_IMAGE;
await reader.updateRuntimeSettings(runtimeSettings);


Determines how the intermediate results (if being collected) are saved.

Value Range A specifed value from the EnumIntermediateResultSavingMode items.

Default Value IRSM_MEMORY

let runtimeSettings = await reader.getRuntimeSettings();
runtimeSettings.intermediateResultSavingMode = Dynamsoft.DBR.EnumIntermediateResultSavingMode.IRSM_FILESYSTEM;
await reader.updateRuntimeSettings(runtimeSettings);


Sets the mode and priority for deblurring and is the evolution of the deblurLevel parameter.

Value Range Please see the EnumDeblurMode items.


Remarks The array index represents the priority of the mode. The smaller the index, the higher the priority. The deblurModes parameter should be used as the deblurLevel parameter will be deprecated in a future version.

let runtimeSettings = await reader.getRuntimeSettings();
runtimeSettings.deblurModes[0] = Dynamsoft.DBR.EnumDeblurMode.DM_GRAY_EQUALIZATION; // sets the highest priority item to Gray Equalization
await reader.updateRuntimeSettings(runtimeSettings);


Sets the mode and priority to control the sampling scale-up methods for linear (1D) barcodes with small module sizes.

Value Range Please see the EnumScaleUpMode items.


Remarks Please note that this only applies to 1D barcodes.

let runtimeSettings = await reader.getRuntimeSettings();
runtimeSettings.scaleUpModes[0] = Dynamsoft.DBR.EnumScaleUpMode.SUM_LINEAR_INTERPOLATION; // sets the highest priority item to Linear Interpolation
await reader.updateRuntimeSettings(runtimeSettings);


This parameter specifies a certain stage to terminate the decoding. By default, the decoding process will only terminate after all these stages are completed and the barcode is recognized (TP_BARCODE_RECOGNIZED).

Value Range Please see the EnumScaleUpMode items.


Remarks After the termination, we can acquire information generated in the process as Intermediate Results which include the following:

Note that for the JavaScript Edition, the intermediate result is only available when it is presented as an image.

Enumeration name Notes Available in JavaScript Edition
IRT_NO_RESULT No information at all. NA
IRT_ORIGINAL_IMAGE The original image processed by the barcode reader. Yes
IRT_COLOUR_CONVERTED_GRAYSCALE_IMAGE Converted grayscale image based on the original image. Yes
IRT_TRANSFORMED_GRAYSCALE_IMAGE Transformed grayscale image (e.g. color inversion). Yes
IRT_PREDETECTED_REGION The coordinates of the predetected region. No
IRT_PREPROCESSED_IMAGE The preprocessed image. Yes
IRT_BINARIZED_IMAGE The binarized image. Yes
IRT_TEXT_ZONE Coordinates of the zones of text found on the image. No
IRT_CONTOUR Contours found on the image that surrounds different areas on the image. No
IRT_LINE_SEGMENT Detected line segments. No
IRT_TYPED_BARCODE_ZONE Coordinates of the barcode zones with determined barcode type(s). No
IRT_PREDETECTED_QUADRILATERAL Coordinates of the predetected quadrilaterals. No
// Obtains the current runtime settings of DBR.
let rs = await scanner.getRuntimeSettings();
// Sets the termination phase.
rs.terminatePhase = Dynamsoft.DBR.EnumTerminatePhase.TP_BARCODE_TYPE_DETERMINED;
// Sets the intermidate result types.
rs.intermediateResultTypes =
    Dynamsoft.DBR.EnumIntermediateResultType.IRT_ORIGINAL_IMAGE |
    Dynamsoft.DBR.EnumIntermediateResultType.IRT_BINARIZED_IMAGE |
    Dynamsoft.DBR.EnumIntermediateResultType.IRT_COLOUR_CONVERTED_GRAYSCALE_IMAGE |
    Dynamsoft.DBR.EnumIntermediateResultType.IRT_TRANSFORMED_GRAYSCALE_IMAGE |
// Updates the settings.
await scanner.updateRuntimeSettings(rs);
const interval = setInterval(async() => {
    try {
        // Shows the intermediate results (images) on the page.
        let cvss = await scanner.getIntermediateCanvas();
        if (cvss.length > 0) {
            for (let cvs of cvss) {
    } catch (ex) {
}, 1000);


Sets the maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) that should be spent searching for a barcode per page. It does not include the time taken to load/decode an image (TIFF, PNG, etc) from disk into memory.

Value Range [0, 0x7fffffff]

Default Value 10000

Remarks If you want to stop reading barcodes after a certain period of time, you can use this parameter to set a timeout.


The FurtherModes interface offers a more advanced set of runtime settings that can potentially improve performance. To understand the full extent of the further modes, please check out the FurtherModes interface page.


Sets the minimum distance (in pixels) between the barcode zone and image borders.

Value Range [0, 0x7fffffff]

Default Value 0

Remarks 0: means no limitation on the distance.

let runtimeSettings = await reader.getRuntimeSettings();
runtimeSettings.barcodeZoneMinDistanceToImageBorders = 30;
await reader.updateRuntimeSettings(runtimeSettings);


Sets the number of threads the image processing algorithm will use to decode barcodes.

Value Range [1, 4]

Default Value 4

Remarks To keep a balance between speed and quality, the library concurrently runs four different threads for barcode decoding by default.

let runtimeSettings = await reader.getRuntimeSettings();
runtimeSettings.maxAlgorithmThreadCount = 1;
await reader.updateRuntimeSettings(runtimeSettings);


Sets whether or not to return the clarity of the barcode zone.

Value Range [0,1]

Default Value 0

Remarks 0: Do not return the clarity of the barcode zone; 1: Return the clarity of the barcode zone.

let runtimeSettings = await reader.getRuntimeSettings();
runtimeSettings.returnBarcodeZoneClarity = 1;
await reader.updateRuntimeSettings(runtimeSettings);


Sets the mode and priority for the order of the text results returned.

Value Range Each array item can be any one of the EnumTextResultOrderMode Enumeration items.


Remarks The array index represents the priority of the item. The smaller the index, the higher the priority.

let runtimeSettings = await reader.getRuntimeSettings();
runtimeSettings.textResultOrderModes[0] = Dynamsoft.DBR.TextResultOrderMode.TROM_POSITION; // sets the highest priority item to TROM_POSITION
await reader.updateRuntimeSettings(runtimeSettings);

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