Dynamsoft Barcode Reader Android Edition
Dynamsoft Barcode Reader (DBR) SDK Android Edition is a barcode reading tool designed specifically for Android developers.
You can either get a quick start with the BarcodeScanner APIs or experience a highly customizable development with the foundational APIs. Furthermore, DBR provides a powerful parameter system in order to cope with various scenarios.
Using the SDK
System Requirements
- Supported OS: Android 5.0 (API Level 21) or higher.
- Supported ABI: armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86 and x86_64.
- Development Environment: Android Studio 2022.2.1 or higher.
User Guide
- Build your First APP
- Configure your barcode scanner
- Build your APP with foundational APIs.
- Explore Features
Samples and Demos
API Reference
Release Notes
Upgrade Instructions
License Subscription
To develop and run your application with Dynamsoft Barcode Reader SDK, you need an active license key:
Online Store
Contact Us
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.