Table of contents


Stores the intermediate result.

class com.dynamsoft.dbr.IntermediateResult;
Attribute Type Descriptions
results Object[] One of the following types: Array of Contour, Array of ImageData, Array of LineSegment, Array of LocalizationResult, Array of RegionOfInterest.
dataType int The data type of the intermediate result.
resultType int Intermediate result type.
barcodeComplementMode int The EnumBarcodeComplementMode used when generating the current intermediate result.
bcmIndex int The array index of current used EnumBarcodeComplementMode in the barcodeComplementModes setting.
deformationResistingMode int The EnumDeformationResistingMode used when generating the current intermediate result.
drmIndex int The array index of current used EnumDeformationResistingMode in the deformationResistingModes setting.
dpmCodeReadingMode int The EnumDPMCodeReadingMode used when generating the current intermediate result.
dpmcrmIndex int The array index of current used EnumDPMCodeReadingMode in the dpmCodeReadingModes setting.
rotationMatrix double[] The rotation matrix.
textFilterMode int The EnumTextFilterMode used when generating the current intermediate result.
tfmIndex int The array index of current used EnumTextFilterMode in the textFilterModes setting.
localizationMode int The EnumLocalizationMode used when generating the current intermediate result.
lmIndex int The array index of current used EnumLocalizationMode in the localizationModes setting.
binarizationMode int The EnumBinarizationMode used when generating the current intermediate result.
bmIndex int The array index of current used EnumBinarizationMode in the binarizationModes setting.
imagePreprocessingMode int The EnumImagePreprocessingMode used when generating the current intermediate result.
ipmIndex int The array index of current used EnumImagePreprocessingMode in imagePreprocessingModes setting.
roiId int The ID of the ROI (Region Of Interest) generated by the SDK. -1 means the original image.
regionPredetectionMode int The EnumRegionPredetectionMode used when generating the current intermediate result.
rpmIndex int The array index of current used EnumRegionPredetectionMode in the regionPredetectionModes setting.
grayscaleTransformationMode int The EnumGrayscaleTransformationMode used when generating the current intermediate result.
gtmIndex int The array index of current used EnumGrayscaleTransformationMode in the grayscaleTransformationModes setting.
colourConversionMode int The EnumColourConversionMode used when generating the current intermediate result.
cicmIndex int The array index of current used EnumColourConversionMode in the colourConversionModes setting.
colourClusteringMode int The EnumColourClusteringMode used when generating the current intermediate result.
ccmIndex int The array index of current used EnumColourClusteringMode in the colourClusteringModes setting.
scaleDownRatio int The scale down ratio.
frameId int The ID of the operated frame.
rpmColourArgumentIndex int The index of the rpm colour argument.


One of the following types: Array of Contour, Array of ImageData, Array of LineSegment, Array of LocalizationResult, Array of RegionOfInterest.

Object[] results


The data type of the intermediate result.

int dataType


Intermediate result type.

int resultType


The EnumBarcodeComplementMode used when generating the current intermediate result.

iny barcodeComplementMode


The array index of current used EnumBarcodeComplementMode in the barcodeComplementModes setting.

int bcmIndex


The EnumDeformationResistingMode used when generating the current intermediate result.

int deformationResistingMode


The array index of current used EnumDeformationResistingMode in the deformationResistingModes setting.

int drmIndex


The EnumDPMCodeReadingMode used when generating the current intermediate result.

int dpmCodeReadingMode


The array index of current used EnumDPMCodeReadingMode in the dpmCodeReadingModes setting.

int dpmcrmIndex


The rotation matrix.

double[] rotationMatrix


The EnumTextFilterMode used when generating the current intermediate result.

int textFilterMode


The array index of current used EnumTextFilterMode in the textFilterModes setting.

int tfmIndex


The EnumLocalizationMode used when generating the current intermediate result.

int localizationMode


The array index of current used EnumLocalizationMode in the localizationModes setting.

int lmIndex


The EnumBinarizationMode used when generating the current intermediate result.

int binarizationMode


The array index of current used EnumBinarizationMode in the binarizationModes setting.

int bmIndex


The EnumImagePreprocessingMode used when generating the current intermediate result.

int imagePreprocessingMode


The array index of current used EnumImagePreprocessingMode in imagePreprocessingModes setting.

int ipmIndex


The ID of the ROI (Region Of Interest) generated by the SDK. -1 means the original image.

int roiId


The EnumRegionPredetectionMode used when generating the current intermediate result.

int regionPredetectionMode


The array index of current used EnumRegionPredetectionMode in the regionPredetectionModes setting.

int rpmIndex


The EnumGrayscaleTransformationMode used when generating the current intermediate result.

int grayscaleTransformationMode


The array index of current used EnumGrayscaleTransformationMode in the grayscaleTransformationModes setting.

int gtmIndex


The EnumColourConversionMode used when generating the current intermediate result.

int colourConversionMode


The array index of current used EnumColourConversionMode in the colourConversionModes setting.

int cicmIndex


The EnumColourClusteringMode used when generating the current intermediate result.

int colourClusteringMode


The array index of current used EnumColourClusteringMode in the colourClusteringModes setting.

int ccmIndex


The scale down ratio.

int scaleDownRatio


The ID of the operated frame.

int frameId


The index of the rpm colour argument.

int rpmColourArgumentIndex

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