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Parameter Configuration Classes


You can update most of the parameter settings through the PublicRuntimeSettings class.

class com.dynamsoft.dbr.PublicRuntimeSettings;
Attribute Type Descriptions
terminatePhase int Sets the phase to stop the barcode reading algorithm.
timeout int Set the maximum time spent on scanning one image (page).
maxAlgorithmThreadCount int Sets the number of threads the image processing algorithm will use to decode barcodes.
expectedBarcodesCount int Sets the number of barcodes expected to be detected for each image.
barcodeFormatIds int BarcodeFormat group 1. Read more in EnumBarcodeFormat
barcodeFormatIds_2 int BarcodeFormat group 2. Read more in EnumBarcodeFormat_2
pdfRasterDPI int Sets the output image resolution.
scaleDownThreshold int Sets the threshold for the image shrinking.
binarizationModes int[] Sets the mode and priority for binarization.
localizationModes int[] Sets the mode and priority for localization algorithms.
furtherModes FurtherModes Further modes settings. Please read more in FurtherModes class.
deblurLevel int Sets the degree of blurriness of the barcode.
intermediateResultTypes int Sets which types of intermediate result to be kept for further reference.
intermediateResultSavingMode int Sets the mode for saving intermediate result.
resultCoordinateType int Specifies the format for the coordinates returned.
textResultOrderModes int[] Sets the mode and priority for the order of the text results returned.
returnBarcodeZoneClarity int Sets whether or not to return the clarity of the barcode zone.
region RegionDefinition Sets the scan region. Please read more in RegionDefinition Class
minBarcodeTextLength int Sets the range of barcode text length for barcodes search.
minResultConfidence int The minimum confidence of the result.
scaleUpModes int[] Sets the mode and priority to control the sampling methods of scale-up for linear barcode with small module sizes.
pdfReadingMode int Sets the way to detect barcodes from a PDF file when using the DecodeFile method.
deblurModes int[] Sets the mode and priority for deblurring.
barcodeZoneMinDistanceToImageBorders int Sets the minimum distance (in pixels) between the barcode zone and image borders.

Code Snippet

PublicRuntimeSettings runtimeSettings = barcodeReader.getRuntimeSettings();
// Make some settings here
// runtimeSettings.****** = ******


FurtherModes is an extension of the PublicRuntimeSettings class. Through the FurtherModes, you can make advanced settings to process the image for barcode reading.

class com.dynamsoft.dbr.FurtherModes;
Attribute Type Descriptions
colourClusteringModes int[] Sets the mode and priority for colour categorization.
colourConversionModes int[] Sets the mode and priority for converting a colour image to a grayscale image.
grayscaleTransformationModes int[] Sets the mode and priority for the grayscale image conversion.
regionPredetectionModes int[] Sets the region pre-detection mode for barcodes search.
imagePreprocessingModes int[] Sets the mode and priority for image preprocessing algorithms.
textureDetectionModes int[] Sets the mode and priority for texture detection.
textFilterModes int[] Sets the mode and priority for text filter.
textAssistedCorrectionMode int Sets the mode of text assisted correction for barcode decoding.
dpmCodeReadingModes int[] Sets the mode and priority for DPM code reading.
deformationResistingModes int[] Sets the mode and priority for deformation resisting.
barcodeComplementModes int[] Sets the mode and priority to complement the missing parts in the barcode.
barcodeColourModes int[] Sets the mode and priority for the barcode colour mode used to process the barcode zone.
accompanyingTextRecognitionModes int[] Sets the mode and priority to recognize accompanying text.

Code Snippet

FurtherModes furtherModes = runtimeSettings.furtherModes;

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