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DecodedBarcodeElement Class

The DecodedBarcodeElement class represents a decoded barcode element. It inherits from the RegionObjectElement class class and provides additional functionality for retrieving information about the decoded barcode.


Assembly: DynamsoftBarcodeReader.aar

Namespace: com.dynamsoft.dbr.intermediate_results

class DecodedBarcodeElement


Method Description
getText Get the text of the decoded barcode.
getBytes Get the raw bytes of the decoded barcode.
isDPM Check whether the barcode is a DPM (Direct Part Marking) barcode (decoded by DPMReadingMode).
isMirrored Check whether the barcode is mirrored (decoded by MirrorMode).
getFormat Get the format of the decoded barcode as a barcode format enumeration.
getFormatString Get the format of the decode barcode as a string.
getAngle The orientation angle of the barcode.
getModuleSize Get the module size of the decoded barcode.
getConfidence Get the confidence score of the barcode recognition result.
getDetails Get the details of the decoded barcode.
getExtendedBarcodeResults Get an array of extended barcode results.

The following methods are inherited from class RegionObjectElement.

Method Description
getLocation Gets the location info of the element that defined in Quadrilateral.
getReferencedElement Gets the referenced element that supports the capturing of this element.
getRegionObjectElementType Gets the type of the element.


Get the text of the decoded barcode.

String getText()

Return Value

The text of the decoded barcode.


Get the raw bytes of the decoded barcode.

byte[] getBytes();

Return Value

The raw bytes of the decoded barcode.


Check whether the barcode is a DPM (Direct Part Marking) barcode (decoded by DPMReadingMode).

boolean isDPM();

Return Value

If true, the barcode is a DPM barcode. Otherwise, the barcode isn’t a DPM barcode.


Check whether the barcode is mirrored (decoded by MirrorMode).

boolean isMirrored();

Return Value

If true, the barcode is mirrored. Otherwise, the barcode isn’t mirrored.


Get the format of the decoded barcode as a barcode format enumeration.

long getFormat();

Return Value

The format of the decoded barcode as a barcode format enumeration.


Get the format of the decode barcode as a string.

String getFormatString();

Return Value

The format of the decode barcode as a string.


Get the orientation angle of the barcode.

int getAngle();

Return Value

The orientation angle of the barcode.


Get the module size of the decoded barcode.

int getModuleSize();

Return Value

The module size of the decoded barcode.


Get the confidence score of the barcode recognition result.

int getConfidence();

Return Value

The confidence score of the barcode recognition result.


Get the details of the decoded barcode.

BarcodeDetails getDetails();

Return Value

The details of the decoded barcode.


Get an array of extended barcode results.

ExtendedBarcodeResult[] getExtendedBarcodeResults();

Return Value

The array that represent the extended barcode results.

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