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DecodedBarcodesUnit Class

DecodedBarcodesUnit extends the IntermediateResultUnit class and represents a unit which holds the decoded barcodes.


Assembly: DynamsoftBarcodeReader.aar

Namespace: com.dynamsoft.dbr.intermediate_results

class DecodedBarcodesUnit extends IntermediateResultUnit


Method Description
getDecodedBarcodes Returns all the barcodes that are decoded from the image.
getCount Returns the number of barcodes that are decoded from the image.
getDecodedBarcode Returns the barcode that is decoded from the image at the specified index.
removeAllDecodedBarcodes Remove all the barcodes that are decoded from the image.
setDecodedBarcode Set the barcodes that are decoded from the image.

The following methods are inherited from IntermediateResultUnit.

Method Description
getHashId Gets the hash ID of the unit.
getOriginalImageHashId Gets the hash ID of the original image.
getOriginalImageTag Gets the image tag of the original image.
getType Gets the type of the intermediate result unit.
getTransformMatrix Gets the transformation matrix via DSTransformMatrixType.
clone Creates a copy of the intermediate result unit.
replace Replaces the content of the intermediate result unit.


Returns all the barcodes that are decoded from the image as an array of DecodedBarcodeElement.

DecodedBarcodeElement[] getDecodedBarcodes();

Return Value

An array of DecodedBarcodeElement as the decoded barcodes.


Returns the number of barcodes that are decoded from the image.

int getCount();

Return Value

An integer representing the number of barcodes that are decoded from the image.


Returns the DecodedBarcodeElement at the specified index. This is the same as accessing the same index of the result array from getDecodedBarcodes.

DecodedBarcodeElement getDecodedBarcode(int index);


[in] index: The index of the decoded barcode from the array of decoded barcodes.

Return Value

A DecodedBarcodeElement representing the decoded barcode.


Removes all the DecodedBarcodeElement from the DecodedBarcodesUnit.

void removeAllDecodedBarcodes();


Set the DecodedBarcodeElement of the DecodedBarcodesUnit.

int setDecodedBarcode(DecodedBarcodeElement decodedBarcode, Matrix matrixToOriginalImage);


decodedBarcode: A DecodedBarcodeElement to replace all the decoded barcodes of the unit.

matrixToOriginalImage: The transformation matrix to convert the decoded barcode object to the original image.

Return Value

Returns the ErrorCode if it fails. Otherwise, returns 0.

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