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DBRDLSLicenseVerificationListener is the interface to handle license verification callback when using initLicenseFromDLS.


  • Interface DBRDLSLicenseVerificationListener and initLicenseFromDLS are deprecated in 9.0 version.
  • Please use DBRLicenseVerificationListener and initLicense to initialize and verify the license in 9.x versions.
interface com.dynamsoft.dbr.DBRDLSLicenseVerificationListener
Method Description
DLSLicenseVerificationCallback The callback of license server.


void DLSLicenseVerificationCallback(boolean isSuccess, Exception error);


isSuccess: Whether the license verification was successful.
error: The error message from license server.

Code Snippet

DBRDLSLicenseVerificationListener dbrDLSListener = new DBRDLSLicenseVerificationListener() {
    public void DLSLicenseVerificationCallback(boolean b, Exception e) {
        // Add your code

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