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LocalizedBarcodeElement Class

The LocalizedBarcodeElement class represents a localized barcode element detected in an image. It is inherited from RegionObjectElement class.


Assembly: DynamsoftBarcodeReader.aar

Namespace: com.dynamsoft.dbr.intermediate_results

class LocalizedBarcodeElement extends RegionObjectElement


Method Description
getAngle Gets the orientation angle of the barcode.
getConfidence Gets the confidence score of the barcode localization result.
getPossibleFormats Gets the possible format of the barcode.
getPossibleFormatsString Get all possible formats of the localized barcode in one string splited by “,”.
getModuleSize Gets the module size of the barcode.

The following methods are inherited from class RegionObjectElement.

Method Description
getLocation Gets the location info of the element that defined in Quadrilateral.
getReferencedElement Gets the referenced element that supports the capturing of this element.
getRegionObjectElementType Gets the type of the element.


Get the orientation angle of the barcode.

int getAngle();

Return value

Returns the orientation angle of the barcode.


Get the confidence score of the barcode localization result.

int getModuleSize();

Return value

Returns the confidence score of the barcode recognition result. It represents the confidence that the positioning area is a barcode.


Get the format of the barcode.

long getPossibleFormats();

Return value

Returns the format of the barcode.

See Also

Enumeration BarcodeFormat


Get all possible formats of the localized barcode in one string splited by “,”.

String getPossibleFormatsString();

Return value

Returns the string representation of the barcode format in one string splited by “,”.


Get the module size of the barcode.

int getModuleSize();

Return value

Returns the module size of the barcode.

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