Table of contents

Parameter and Runtime Settings Advanced Methods

Method Description
initRuntimeSettingsWithFile Initialize runtime settings with the settings in a given JSON file.
initRuntimeSettingsWithString Initialize runtime settings with the settings in a given JSON string.
appendTplFileToRuntimeSettings Append a new template file to the current runtime settings.
appendTplStringToRuntimeSettings Append a new template string to the current runtime settings.
getAllParameterTemplateNames Gets the parameter templates name array.
outputSettingsToFile Output runtime settings to a settings file (JSON file).
outputSettingsToString Output runtime settings to a string.
setModeArgument Set argument value for the specified mode parameter.
getModeArgument Get argument value for the specified mode parameter.


Initialize runtime settings with the settings in a given JSON file.

void initRuntimeSettingsWithFile(String filePath, int enumConflictMode) throws BarcodeReaderException


filePath: The path of the settings file.
enumConflictMode: The parameter setting mode, which decides whether to inherit parameters from the previous template setting or to overwrite previous settings and replace with the new template.


A BarcodeReaderException is thrown when:

  • The file is not found.
  • There exists parameters that are invalid or out of range.
  • The template name is invalid.

Code Snippet

BarcodeReader reader = new BarcodeReader();
reader.initRuntimeSettingsWithFile("your template file path", EnumConflictMode.CM_OVERWRITE);


Initialize runtime settings with the settings in a given JSON string.

void initRuntimeSettingsWithString(String content, int enumConflictMode)throws BarcodeReaderException


content: A JSON string that represents the content of the settings.
enumConflictMode: The parameter setting mode, which decides whether to inherit parameters from previous template setting or to overwrite previous settings and replace with the new template.


A BarcodeReaderException is thrown when:

  • The library failed to parse the JSON string.
  • There exists parameters that are invalid or out of range.
  • The template name is invalid.

Code Snippet

BarcodeReader reader = new BarcodeReader();
reader.initRuntimeSettingsWithString("{\"Version\":\"3.0\", \"ImageParameter\":{\"Name\":\"IP1\", \"BarcodeFormatIds\":[\"BF_QR_CODE\"], \"ExpectedBarcodesCount\":10}}", EnumConflictMode.CM_OVERWRITE);


Append a new template file to the current runtime settings.

void appendTplFileToRuntimeSettings(String filePath, int enumConflictMode) throws BarcodeReaderException


filePath: The path of the settings file.
enumConflictMode: The parameter setting mode, which decides whether to inherit parameters from previous template setting or to overwrite previous settings with the new template.


A BarcodeReaderException is thrown when:

  • The file is not found.
  • There exists parameters that are invalid or out of range.
  • The template name is invalid.

Code Snippet

BarcodeReader reader = new BarcodeReader();
reader.appendTplFileToRuntimeSettings("your template file path", EnumConflictMode.CM_IGNORE);


Append a new template string to the current runtime settings.

void appendTplStringToRuntimeSettings(String content, int enumConflictMode) throws BarcodeReaderException


content: A JSON string that represents the content of the settings.
enumConflictMode: The parameter setting mode, which decides whether to inherit parameters from previous template setting or to overwrite previous settings with the new template.


A BarcodeReaderException is thrown when:

  • The library failed to parse the JSON string.
  • There exists parameters that are invalid or out of range.
  • The template name is invalid.

Code Snippet

BarcodeReader reader = new BarcodeReader();
reader.initRuntimeSettingsWithString("{\"Version\":\"3.0\", \"ImageParameter\":{\"Name\":\"IP1\", \"BarcodeFormatIds\":[\"BF_QR_CODE\"], \"ExpectedBarcodesCount\":10}}", EnumConflictMode.CM_OVERWRITE);
reader.appendTplStringToRuntimeSettings("{\"Version\":\"3.0\", \"ImageParameter\":{\"Name\":\"IP1\", \"BarcodeFormatIds\":[\"BF_OneD\"], \"ExpectedBarcodesCount\":20}}", EnumConflictMode.CM_IGNORE);


Gets the parameter templates name array.

String [] getAllParameterTemplateNames()

Return Value

The template name array.


A BarcodeReaderException is thrown when:

  • The library failed to get all template names.

Code Snippet

BarcodeReader reader = new BarcodeReader();
String[] templateNames = reader.getAllParameterTemplateNames();


Output runtime settings to a settings file (JSON file).

void outputSettingsToFile(String filePath, String settingsName) throws BarcodeReaderException


filePath: The output file path which stores current settings.
settingsName: A unique name for declaring current runtime settings.


A BarcodeReaderException is thrown when:

  • The file path is not found.
  • The library failed to output the settings.

Code Snippet

BarcodeReader reader = new BarcodeReader();
reader.outputSettingsToFile("your saving file path", "currentRuntimeSettings");


Output runtime settings to a string.

String outputSettingsToString(String settingsName) throws BarcodeReaderException


settingsName A unique name for declaring current runtime settings.

Return Value

The output string which stores the contents of current settings.


A BarcodeReaderException is thrown when:

  • The library failed to output the settings.

Code Snippet

BarcodeReader reader = new BarcodeReader();
String settingStr = reader.outputSettingsToString("currentRuntimeSettings");


Mode arguments are the optional settings of mode parameters in PublicRuntimeSettings. You can use setModeArgument to configure these arguments.

void setModeArgument(String modesName, int index, String argumentName, String argumentValue) throws BarcodeReaderException


modesName: The name of the mode parameter that you want to make changes.
index: The array index of mode parameter.
argumentName: The name of the mode argument to set.
argumentValue: The value of the mode argument to set.


A BarcodeReaderException is thrown when:

  • The library failed to set the mode argument. It might because you input incorrect modeName, index, argumentName or argumentValue.

Code Snippet

Suppose that you specified [BM_LOCAL_BLOCK, BM_THRESHOLD] for mode parameter binarizationModes and you want to set the value of mode argument EnableFillBinaryVacancy of mode BM_LOCAL_BLOCK to 1. The following code snippet is how you can make the settings:

// This is the code that you specify the mode parameter binarizationModes.
PublicRuntimeSettings settings = reader.getRuntimeSettings();
settings.binarizationModes[0] = EnumBinarizationMode.BM_LOCAL_BLOCK;
settings.binarizationModes[1] = EnumBinarizationMode.BM_THRESHOLD;
// This is the code that you set the mode argument.
reader.setModeArgument("BinarizationModes", 0, "EnableFillBinaryVacancy", "1");


Check the available modes and arguments below:


Get the current setting of the specified mode argument.

String getModeArgument(String modesName, int index, String argumentName) throws BarcodeReaderException


modesName: The name of the mode parameter that you want to make changes.
index: The array index of mode parameter.
argumentName: The name of the mode argument to set.

Return Value

the optional argument for a specified mode in Modes parameters.


A BarcodeReaderException is thrown when:

  • The library failed to get the mode argument. It might because you input incorrect modeName, index or argumentName.

Code Snippet

// You set EnableFillBinaryVacancy to 1 with these code.
PublicRuntimeSettings settings = reader.getRuntimeSettings();
settings.binarizationModes[0] = EnumBinarizationMode.BM_LOCAL_BLOCK;
reader.setModeArgument("BinarizationModes", 0, "EnableFillBinaryVacancy", "1");
// The return value you got from getModeArgument is 1
String argumentValue = reader.getModeArgument("BinarizationModes", 0, "EnableFillBinaryVacancy");


Check the available modes and arguments below:

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