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DSQRCodeDetails extends the DSBarcodeDetails class and represents detailed information specific to a QR Code.


Assembly: DynamsoftBarcodeReader.xcframework

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. NS_SWIFT_NAME(QRCodeDetails)
    @interface DSQRCodeDetails : DSBarcodeDetails
  2. class QRCodeDetails : BarcodeDetails


Attributes Type Description
rows NSInteger The number of rows in the QR Code.
columns NSInteger The number of columns in the QR Code.
errorCorrectionLevel DSQRCodeErrorCorrectionLevel The error correction level of the QR Code.
version NSInteger The version of the QR Code.
model NSInteger The number of models of the QR Code.
mode NSInteger Identifies the first data encoding mode of the QR Code.
page NSInteger Identifies the position of the particular symbol in the structured append format of the QR Code.
totalPage NSInteger The total number of symbols to be concatenated into the Structured Append format of the QR Code.
parityData Byte The Parity Data of the QR Code.


The number of rows in the QR Code.


The number of columns in the QR Code.


Describes the error correction level of the QR Code as a DSQRCodeErrorCorrectionLevel enumeration item.


The version of the QR Code.


The number of models of the QR Code.


Identifies the first data encoding mode used in the QR Code.


The position of the particular symbol in the Structured Append format of the QR Code.


The total number of symbols to be concatenated into the Structured Append format of the QR Code.


The parity data is obtained by XORing a byte with the ASCII/JIS values of all the original input data before division into symbol blocks. It is used for error checking and correction.

This page is compatible for:

Version 7.5.0

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    • Version 10.2.10
    • Version 10.0.21
    • Version 10.0.20
  • Version 9.x
    • Version 9.6.40
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    • Version 9.6.11
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    • Version 9.0.0
    • Version 9.6.40
    • Version 9.6.20
    • Version 9.6.10
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    • Version 9.2.13
    • Version 9.2.10
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    • Version 9.0.1
    • Version 9.0.0
  • Version 8.x
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    • Version 8.8.0
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    • Version 8.1.0
    • Version 8.0.0
    • Version 8.9.3
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    • Version 8.9.0
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    • Version 8.2.0
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    • Version 8.1.0
    • Version 8.0.0
  • Version 7.x
    • Version 7.6.0
    • Version 7.5.0
    • Version 7.6.0
    • Version 7.5.0
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