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Intermediate Result Classes


iIntermediateResult is the class that stores the intermediate result data.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. @interface iIntermediateResult : NSObject
  2. class iIntermediateResult : NSObject
Attribute Description
resultsCount The total result count.
results One of the following types: Array of iContour, Array of iImageData, Array of iLineSegment, Array of iLocalizationResult, Array of iRegionOfInterest.
dataType The data type of the intermediate result.
resultType Intermediate result type.
barcodeComplementMode The EnumBarcodeComplementMode used when generating the current intermediate result.
bcmIndex The array index of current used EnumBarcodeComplementMode in the barcodeComplementModes setting.
deformationResistingMode The EnumDeformationResistingMode used when generating the current intermediate result.
drmIndex The array index of current used EnumDeformationResistingMode in the deformationResistingModes setting.
dpmCodeReadingMode The EnumDPMCodeReadingMode used when generating the current intermediate result.
dpmcrmIndex The array index of current used EnumDPMCodeReadingMode in the dpmCodeReadingModes setting.
transformationMatrix The rotation matrix.
textFilterMode The EnumTextFilterMode used when generating the current intermediate result.
tfmIndex The array index of current used EnumTextFilterMode in the textFilterModes setting.
localizationMode The EnumLocalizationMode used when generating the current intermediate result.
lmIndex The array index of current used EnumLocalizationMode in the localizationModes setting.
binarizationMode The EnumBinarizationMode used when generating the current intermediate result.
bmIndex The array index of current used EnumBinarizationMode in the binarizationModes setting.
imagePreprocessingMode The EnumImagePreprocessingMode used when generating the current intermediate result.
ipmIndex The array index of current used EnumImagePreprocessingMode in imagePreprocessingModes setting.
roiId The ID of the ROI (Region Of Interest) generated by the SDK. -1 means the original image.
regionPredetectionMode The EnumRegionPredetectionMode used when generating the current intermediate result.
rpmIndex The array index of current used EnumRegionPredetectionMode in the regionPredetectionModes setting.
grayscaleTransformationMode The EnumGrayscaleTransformationMode used when generating the current intermediate result.
gtmIndex The array index of current used EnumGrayscaleTransformationMode in the grayscaleTransformationModes setting.
colourConversionMode The EnumColourConversionMode used when generating the current intermediate result.
cicmIndex The array index of current used EnumColourConversionMode in the colourConversionModes setting.
colourClusteringMode The EnumColourClusteringMode used when generating the current intermediate result.
ccmIndex The array index of current used EnumColourClusteringMode in the colourClusteringModes setting.
scaleDownRatio The scale down ratio.
frameId The ID of the operated frame.
rpmColourArgumentIndex The index of the rpm colour argument.


contour is one of the results type in IntermediateResult.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. @interface iContour : NSObject
  2. class iContour : NSObject
Attribute Description
pointsCount The total points count of the contour.
points The points array of the points that surround the barcode area.


ImageData is one of the results type in IntermediateResult.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. @interface iImageData : NSObject
  2. class iImageData : NSObject
Attribute Descriptions
bytes The image data content in a byte array.
bytesLength The length of the image data byte array.
width The width of the image in pixels.
height The height of the image in pixels.
stride The stride (or scan width) of the image.
format The image pixel format used in the image byte array.


LineSegment is one of the results type in IntermediateResult.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. @interface iLineSegment : NSObject
  2. class iLineSegment : NSObject
Attribute Descriptions
startPoint The start point of the line segment.
endPoint The end point of the line segment.
linesConfidenceCoefficients The confidence coefficients for lines.


RegionOfInterest is one of the results type in IntermediateResult.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. @interface iRegionOfInterest : NSObject
  2. class iRegionOfInterest : NSObject
Attribute Descriptions
roiId The ID generated by the SDK.
point The left top point of the region.
width The width of the region.
height The height of the region.


View more in TextResult » LocalizationResult

LocalizationResult can be the extension of the class IntermediateResult. It stores the localization result information.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. @interface iLocalizationResult : NSObject
  2. class iLocalizationResult : NSObject
Attribute Description
terminatePhase The terminate phase of localization result.
barcodeFormat Barcode type in BarcodeFormat group 1.
barcodeFormatString Barcode type in BarcodeFormat group 1 as string.
barcodeFormat_2 Barcode type in BarcodeFormat group 2.
barcodeFormatString_2 Barcode type in BarcodeFormat group 2 as string.
resultPoints The vertices coordinates information of the barcode region.
angle The angle of a barcode. Values range is from 0 to 360.
moduleSize The barcode module size (the minimum bar width in pixel).
pageNumber The page number the barcode located in. The index is 0-based.
regionName The region name the barcode located in.
documentName The document name.
resultCoordinateType The coordinate type.
accompanyingTextBytes The accompanying text content in a byte array.
accompanyingTextBytesLength The length of the accompanying text byte array.
confidence The confidence of the localization result.

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