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DSLocalizedBarcodeElement Class

DSLocalizedBarcodeElement extends the DSRegionObjectElement class and represents a localized barcode element detected in an image.


Assembly: DynamsoftBarcodeReader.xcframework

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. @interface DSLocalizedBarcodeElement : DSRegionObjectElement
  2. class LocalizedBarcodeElement : RegionObjectElement


Methods Description
init Create a new DSLocalizedBarcodeElement object.
getAngle Returns the orientation angle of the localized barcode.
getConfidence Returns the confidence score of the localized barcode.
getPossibleFormats Returns the possible formats of the localized barcode.
setPossibleFormats Set the possible formats of the localized barcode.
getPossibleFormatsString Returns the possible formats of the localized barcode as a string.
getModuleSize Returns the module size of the localized barcode.

The following attributes are inherited from class DSRegionObjectElement.

Method Description
getLocation Returns the location info of the element.
setLocation Sets the location info of the element.
getReferencedElement Returns the referenced element that supports the capturing of this element.
getRegionObjectElementType Returns the type of the element.


Create a new DSLocalizedBarcodeElement object.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. - (instancetype)init;
  2. init()


Returns the orientation angle of the localized barcode element, indicating how the element is positioned or rotated within the barcode.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. - (NSInteger)getAngle
  2. func getAngle() -> NSInteger

Return Value

An integer representing the orientation angle of the localized barcode.


Returns the confidence/reliability score of the localization of the barcode element.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. - (NSInteger)getConfidence
  2. func getConfidence() -> NSInteger

Return Value

An integer representing the confidence score of the localized barcode element, which represents the confidence that the positioning area is a barcode.


Returns the possible formats of the localized barcode since the barcode has not been decoded yet, so the exact format is not yet determined.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. - (DSBarcodeFormat)getPossibleFormats
  2. func getPossibleFormats() -> BarcodeFormat

Return Value

The possible format(s) of the localized barcode as DSBarcodeFormat enumeration item(s).


Set the possible format of the localized barcode. The possible format string is changed as well.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. - (void)setPossibleFormats:(DSBarcodeFormat)possibleFormats;
  2. func setPossibleFormats(_ possibleFormats: BarcodeFormat)


[in] possibleFormats: The possible DSBarcodeFormat of the localized barcode.

Return Value

Returns the ErrorCode if it fails. Otherwise, returns 0.


Returns the possible format(s) of the localized barcode as a string, with each format split by a comma (“,”). Since the barcode has not been decoded yet, the exact format is not yet determined.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. - (NSString *)getPossibleFormatsString
  2. func getPossibleFormatsString() -> String

Return Value

A string representing all the possible formats of the localized barcode.


Returns the size of the individual modules within the localized barcode element.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. - (NSInteger)getModuleSize
  2. func getModuleSize() -> NSInteger

Return Value

An integer representing the module size of the localized barcode.

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