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Barcode Decoding Samples

Read Single Barcode (With CameraEnhancer)

Decode barcodes from video streaming. It shows the simplest code to implement a video barcode scanner.

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Read Single Barcode (With AVCaptureSession)

Generally the same as DecodeWithCameraEnhancer but using AVCaptureSession library as the input.

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Decode Barcodes from an Image

Decode barcodes from an still image. It shows how to select a image from the album and decode it.

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Decode Multiple Barcodes from Video Stream

This sample shows how to efficiently decode multiple barcodes from the video stream.

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General Barcode Decoding Settings

Displays general barcode decoding settings and camera settings like barcode formats, expected barcode count and scan region settings. The default scan mode is continuous scanning.

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Barcode Decoding Performance Settings

Parameter configuration guide on improving the speed, read-rate and accuracy of barcode reading. The sample includes the code of image decoding from the album.

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Decode Tiny Barcodes

The sample to tell you how to process the tiny barcodes. Including zoom and focus control.

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Locate an Item with Barcode

Input an ID with barcode text and detect it from multiple barcodes under the screen.

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ID Scanning Samples

Scan a Driver’s License (via PDF417 Barcode)

Scan the PDF417 barcodes on a drivers’ license and extract the drivers information.

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Other Use Case Samples

Scan VIN Barcode

Scan the vin barcode and extract the vehicle information.

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