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Dynamsoft Barcode Reader Enumeration - Parameter Mode Enumeration

Enumeration Description
BarcodeColourMode Describes the barcode colour mode.
BarcodeComplementMode Describes the barcode complement mode.
BinarizationMode Describes the binarization mode.
ColourClusteringMode Describes the colour clustering mode.
ColourConversionMode Describes the colour conversion mode.
ConflictMode Describes the conflict mode.
DeblurMode Describes the deblur mode.
DeformationResistingMode Describes the deformation resisting mode.
DPMCodeReadingMode Describes the DPM code reading mode.
GrayscaleTransformationMode Describes the grayscale transformation mode.
ImagePreprocessingMode Describes the image preprocessing mode.
LocalizationMode Describes the localization mode.
PDFReadingMode Describes the PDF reading mode.
RegionPredetectionMode Describes the region predetection mode.
ScaleUpMode Describes the scale up mode.
TerminatePhase Describes the terminate phase.
TextAssistedCorrectionMode Describes the text assisted correction mode.
TextFilterMode Describes the text filter mode.
TextureDetectionMode Describes the texture detection mode.


Describes the barcode colour mode.


Language Declaration
C / C++ enum BarcodeColourMode


Member Value Description
BICM_SKIP 0x00 Skips the barcode colour operation.
BICM_DARK_ON_LIGHT 0x01 Dark items on a light background. Check arguments of BarcodeColourModes for available argument settings.
BICM_LIGHT_ON_DARK 0x02 Light items on a dark background. Not supported yet. Check arguments of BarcodeColourModes for available argument settings.
BICM_DARK_ON_DARK 0x04 Dark items on a dark background. Not supported yet. Check arguments of BarcodeColourModes for available argument settings.
BICM_LIGHT_ON_LIGHT 0x08 Light items on a light background. Not supported yet. Check arguments of BarcodeColourModes for available argument settings.
BICM_DARK_LIGHT_MIXED 0x10 The background is mixed by dark and light. Not supported yet. Check arguments of BarcodeColourModes for available argument settings.
BICM_DARK_ON_LIGHT_DARK_SURROUNDING 0x20 Dark item on a light background surrounded by dark. Check arguments of BarcodeColourModes for available argument settings.


Describes the barcode complement mode.


Language Declaration
C / C++ enum BarcodeComplementMode


Member Value Description
BCM_SKIP 0x00 Skips the barcode complement.
BCM_AUTO 0x01 Not supported yet.
BCM_GENERAL 0x02 Complements the barcode using the general algorithm.


Describes the binarization mode.


Language Declaration
C / C++ enum BinarizationMode


Member Value Description
BM_SKIP 0x00 Skips the binarization.
BM_AUTO 0x01 Not supported yet.
BM_LOCAL_BLOCK 0x02 Binarizes the image based on the local block. Check arguments of BinarizationModes for available argument settings.
BM_THRESHOLD 0x04 Performs image binarization based on the given threshold. Check arguments of BinarizationModes for available argument settings.


Describes the colour clustering mode.


Language Declaration
C / C++ enum ColourClusteringMode


Member Value Description
CCM_SKIP 0x00 Skips the colour clustering.
CCM_AUTO 0x01 Not supported yet.
CCM_GENERAL_HSV 0x02 Clusters colours using the general algorithm based on HSV. Check arguments of ColourClusteringModes for available argument settings.


Describes the colour conversion mode.


Language Declaration
C / C++ enum ColourConversionMode


Member Value Description
CICM_SKIP 0x00 Skip the colour conversion.
CICM_GENERAL 0x01 Converts a colour image to a grayscale image using the general algorithm. Check arguments of ColourConversionModes for available argument settings.


Describes the conflict mode.


Language Declaration
C / C++ enum ConflictMode


Member Value Description
CM_IGNORE 0x01 Ignores new settings and inherits the previous settings.
CM_OVERWRITE 0x02 Overwrites the old settings with new settings.


Describes the deblur mode.


Language Declaration
C / C++ enum DeblurMode


Member Value Description
DM_SKIP 0x00 Skips the deblur process.
DM_DIRECT_BINARIZATION 0x01 Performs deblur process using the direct binarization algorithm.
DM_THRESHOLD_BINARIZATION 0x02 Performs deblur process using the threshold binarization algorithm.
DM_GRAY_EQUALIZATION 0x04 Performs deblur process using the gray equalization algorithm.
DM_SMOOTHING 0x08 Performs deblur process using the smoothing algorithm.
DM_MORPHING 0x10 Performs deblur process using the morphing algorithm.
DM_DEEP_ANALYSIS 0x20 Performs deblur process using the deep analysis algorithm.
DM_SHARPENING 0x40 Performs deblur process using the sharpening algorithm.


Describes the deformation resisting mode.


Language Declaration
C / C++ enum DeformationResistingMode


Member Value Description
DRM_SKIP 0x00 Skip the deformation resisting.
DRM_AUTO 0x01 Not supported yet.
DRM_GENERAL 0x02 Resists deformation using the general algorithm. Check arguments of DeformationResistingModes for available argument settings.


Describes the DPM code reading mode.


Language Declaration
C / C++ enum DPMCodeReadingMode


Member Value Description
DPMCRM_SKIP 0x00 Skip the DPM code reading.
DPMCRM_AUTO 0x01 Not supported yet.
DPMCRM_GENERAL 0x02 Reads DPM code using the general algorithm.


Describes the grayscale transformation mode.


Language Declaration
C / C++ enum GrayscaleTransformationMode


Member Value Description
GTM_SKIP 0x00 Skips grayscale transformation.
GTM_INVERTED 0x01 Transforms to inverted grayscale. Recommended for light on dark images.
GTM_ORIGINAL 0x02 Keeps the original grayscale. Recommended for dark on light images.


Describes the image preprocessing mode.


Language Declaration
C / C++ enum ImagePreprocessingMode


Member Value Description
IPM_SKIP 0x00 Skips image preprocessing.
IPM_AUTO 0x01 Not supported yet.
IPM_GENERAL 0x02 Takes the unpreprocessed image for following operations.
IPM_GRAY_EQUALIZE 0x04 Preprocesses the image using the gray equalization algorithm. Check arguments of ImagePreprocessingModes for available argument settings.
IPM_GRAY_SMOOTH 0x08 Preprocesses the image using the gray smoothing algorithm. Check arguments of ImagePreprocessingModes for available argument settings.
IPM_SHARPEN_SMOOTH 0x10 Preprocesses the image using the sharpening and smoothing algorithm. Check arguments of ImagePreprocessingModes for available argument settings.
IPM_MORPHOLOGY 0x20 Preprocesses the image using the morphology algorithm. Check arguments of ImagePreprocessingModes for available argument settings.


Describes the localization mode.


Language Declaration
C / C++ enum LocalizationMode


Member Value Description
LM_SKIP 0x00 Skips localization.
LM_AUTO 0x01 Not supported yet.
LM_CONNECTED_BLOCKS 0x02 Localizes barcodes by searching for connected blocks. This algorithm usually gives best result and it is recommended to set ConnectedBlocks to the highest priority.
LM_STATISTICS 0x04 Localizes barcodes by groups of contiguous black-white regions. This is optimized for QRCode and DataMatrix.
LM_LINES 0x08 Localizes barcodes by searching for groups of lines. This is optimized for 1D and PDF417 barcodes.
LM_SCAN_DIRECTLY 0x10 Localizes barcodes quickly. This mode is recommended in interactive scenario. Check arguments of LocalizationModes for available argument settings.
LM_STATISTICS_MARKS 0x20 Localizes barcodes by groups of marks.This is optimized for DPM codes.
LM_STATISTICS_POSTAL_CODE 0x40 Localizes barcodes by groups of connected blocks and lines.This is optimized for postal codes.


Describes the PDF reading mode.


Language Declaration
C / C++ enum PDFReadingMode


Member Value Description
PDFRM_AUTO 0x01 Lets the library choose the reading mode automatically.
PDFRM_VECTOR 0x02 Detects barcode from vector data in PDF file.
PDFRM_RASTER 0x04 Converts the PDF file to image(s) first, then perform barcode recognition.


Describes the region predetection mode.


Language Declaration
C / C++ enum RegionPredetectionMode


Member Value Description
RPM_SKIP 0x00 Skips region detection.
RPM_AUTO 0x01 Lets the library choose an algorithm automatically to detect region.
RPM_GENERAL 0x02 Takes the whole image as a region.
RPM_GENERAL_RGB_CONTRAST 0x04 Detects region using the general algorithm based on RGB colour contrast. Check arguments of RegionPredetectionModes for available argument settings.
RPM_GENERAL_GRAY_CONTRAST 0x08 Detects region using the general algorithm based on gray contrast. Check arguments of RegionPredetectionModes for available argument settings.
RPM_GENERAL_HSV_CONTRAST 0x10 Detects region using the general algorithm based on HSV colour contrast. Check arguments of RegionPredetectionModes for available argument settings.


Describes the scale up mode.


Language Declaration
C / C++ enum ScaleUpMode


Member Value Description
SUM_SKIP 0x00 Skip the scale-up process.
SUM_AUTO 0x01 The library chooses an interpolation method automatically to scale up.
SUM_LINEAR_INTERPOLATION 0x02 Scales up using the linear interpolation method. Check arguments of ScaleUpModes for available argument settings.
SUM_NEAREST_NEIGHBOUR_INTERPOLATION 0x04 Scales up using the nearest-neighbour interpolation method. Check arguments of ScaleUpModes for available argument settings.


Describes the terminate phase.


Language Declaration
C / C++ enum TerminatePhase


Member Value Description
TP_REGION_PREDETECTED 0x01 Exits the barcode reading algorithm after the region predetection is done.
TP_IMAGE_PREPROCESSED 0x02 Exits the barcode reading algorithm after the region predetection and image pre-processing is done.
TP_IMAGE_BINARIZED 0x04 Exits the barcode reading algorithm after the region predetection, image pre-processing, and image binarization are done.
TP_BARCODE_LOCALIZED 0x08 Exits the barcode reading algorithm after the region predetection, image pre-processing, image binarization, and barcode localization are done.
TP_BARCODE_TYPE_DETERMINED 0x10 Exits the barcode reading algorithm after the region predetection, image pre-processing, image binarization, barcode localization, and barcode type determining are done.
TP_BARCODE_RECOGNIZED 0x20 Exits the barcode reading algorithm after the region predetection, image pre-processing, image binarization, barcode localization, barcode type determining, and barcode recognition are done.


Describes the text assisted correction mode.


Language Declaration
C / C++ enum TextAssistedCorrectionMode


Member Value Description
TACM_SKIP 0x00 Skips the text assisted correction.
TACM_AUTO 0x01 Not supported yet.
TACM_VERIFYING 0x02 Uses the accompanying text to verify the decoded barcode result. Check arguments of TextAssistedCorrectionMode for available argument settings.
TACM_VERIFYING_PATCHING 0x04 Uses the accompanying text to verify and patch the decoded barcode result. Check arguments of TextAssistedCorrectionMode for available argument settings.


Describes the text filter mode.


Language Declaration
C / C++ enum TextFilterMode


Member Value Description
TFM_SKIP 0x00 Skip the text filtering.
TFM_AUTO 0x01 Not supported yet.
TFM_GENERAL_CONTOUR 0x02 Filters text using the general algorithm based on contour. Check arguments of TextFilterModes for available argument settings.


Describes the texture detection mode.


Language Declaration
C / C++ enum TextureDetectionMode


Member Value Description
TDM_SKIP 0x00 Skips texture detection.
TDM_AUTO 0x01 Not supported yet.
TDM_GENERAL_WIDTH_CONCENTRATION 0x02 Detects texture using the general algorithm. Check arguments of TextureDetectionModes for available argument settings.

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