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Defines a struct to configure the parameters to connect to license tracking server.


typedef struct tagDM_LTSConnectionParameters  DM_LTSConnectionParameters


Attribute Type
mainServerURL const char*
standbyServerURL const char*
handshakeCode const char*
sessionPassword const char*
deploymentType DM_DeploymentType
chargeWay DM_ChargeWay
UUIDGenerationMethod DM_UUIDGenerationMethod
maxBufferDays int
limitedLicenseModulesCount int
limitedLicenseModules DM_LicenseModule*
reserved char[64]


The URL of the license tracking server.

const char*  tagDM_LTSConnectionParameters::mainServerURL
  • Value range
    Any string value

  • Default value

  • Remarks
    If you choose “Dynamsoft-hosting”, then no need to change the value of MainServerURL and StandbyServerURL. When both are set to null (default value), it will connect to Dynamsoft’s license tracking servers for online verification.


The URL of the standby license tracking server.

const char*  tagDM_LTSConnectionParameters::standbyServerURL
  • Value range
    Any string value

  • Default value

  • Remarks
    If you choose “Dynamsoft-hosting”, then no need to change the value of MainServerURL and StandbyServerURL. When both are set to null (default value), it will connect to Dynamsoft’s license tracking servers for online verification.


The handshake code.

const char*  tagDM_LTSConnectionParameters::handshakeCode
  • Value range
    Any string value

  • Default value


The session password of the handshake code set in license tracking server.

const char*  tagDM_LTSConnectionParameters::sessionPassword
  • Value range
    Any string value

  • Default value


Sets the deployment type.

DM_DeploymentType tagDM_LTSConnectionParameters::deploymentType


Sets the charge way.

DM_ChargeWay tagDM_LTSConnectionParameters::chargeWay


Sets the method to generate UUID.

DM_UUIDGenerationMethod tagDM_LTSConnectionParameters::UUIDGenerationMethod


Sets the max days to buffer the license info.

int tagDM_LTSConnectionParameters::maxBufferDays
  • Value range

  • Default value


Sets the count of license modules to use.

int tagDM_LTSConnectionParameters::limitedLicenseModulesCount
  • Value range

  • Default value


Sets the license modules to use.

DM_LicenseModule* tagDM_LTSConnectionParameters::limitedLicenseModules


Reserved memory for the struct. The length of this array indicates the size of the memory reserved for this struct.

char tagDM_LTSConnectionParameters::reserved[64]

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