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License Functions

Function Description
DBR_InitLicense Read product key and activate the SDK.
DBR_InitLicenseFromServer Initialize license and connect to the specified server for online verification.
DBR_InitLicenseFromLicenseContent Initialize license from the license content on client machine for offline verification.
DBR_OutputLicenseToString Output the license content to a string from the license server.
DBR_OutputLicenseToStringPtr Output the license content to a string from the license server.
DBR_FreeLicenseString Free memory allocated for the license string.
DBR_InitDLSConnectionParameters Initializes a DM_DLSConnectionParameters struct with default values.
DBR_InitLicenseFromDLS Initializes the barcode reader license and connects to the specified server for online verification.
DBR_GetIdleInstancesCount Gets available instances count when charging by concurrent instances count.
DBR_InitLTSConnectionParameters Deprecated. Use DBR_InitDLSConnectionParameters instead.
DBR_InitLicenseFromLTS Deprecated. Use DBR_InitLicenseFromDLS instead.


Read product key and activate the SDK.

DBR_API int DBR_InitLicense (void* barcodeReader, const char* pLicense)

[in] barcodeReader Handle of the barcode reader instance.
[in] pLicense The product keys.

Return Value
Returns error code (returns 0 if the function operates successfully).
You can call DBR_GetErrorString to get detailed error message.

Code Snippet

void* barcodeReader = DBR_CreateInstance();
DBR_InitLicense(barcodeReader, "t0260NwAAAHV***************");


Initialize the license and connect to the specified server for online verification.

DBR_API int DBR_InitLicenseFromServer (void* barcodeReader, const char* pLicenseServer, const char* pLicenseKey)

[in] barcodeReader Handle of the barcode reader instance.
[in] pLicenseServer The name/IP of the license server.
[in] pLicenseKey The license key.

Return Value
Returns error code (returns 0 if the function operates successfully).
You can call DBR_GetErrorString to get detailed error message.


Initialize barcode reader license from the license content on the client machine for offline verification.

DBR_API int DBR_InitLicenseFromLicenseContent (void* barcodeReader, const char* pLicenseKey, const char* pLicenseContent)	

[in] barcodeReader Handle of the barcode reader instance.
[in] pLicenseKey The license key.
[in] pLicenseContent An encrypted string representing the license content (quota, expiration date, barcode type, etc.) obtained from the function DBR_OutputLicenseToString.

Return Value
Returns error code (returns 0 if the function operates successfully).
You can call DBR_GetErrorString to get detailed error message.


Output the license content as an encrypted string from the license server to be used for offline license verification.

DBR_API int DBR_OutputLicenseToString (void* barcodeReader, char content[], int contentLen)

[in] barcodeReader Handle of the barcode reader instance.
[in,out] content The output string which stores the content of license.
[in] contentLen The length of output string. The recommended length is 512 per license key.

Return Value
Returns error code (returns 0 if the function operates successfully).
You can call DBR_GetErrorString to get detailed error message.

DBR_InitLicenseFromServer has to be successfully called before calling this function.


Output the license content as an encrypted string from the license server to be used for offline license verification.

DBR_API int DBR_OutputLicenseToStringPtr (void* barcodeReader, char** content)

[in] barcodeReader Handle of the barcode reader instance.
[in,out] content The output string which stores the content of license.

Return Value
Returns error code (returns 0 if the function operates successfully).
You can call DBR_GetErrorString to get detailed error message.

DBR_InitLicenseFromServer has to be successfully called before calling this function.


Free memory allocated for the license string.

DBR_API void DBR_FreeLicenseString (char** content)

[in] content The output string which stores the content of license.

DBR_OutputLicenseToStringPtr has to be successfully called before calling this function.


Initializes a DM_DLSConnectionParameters struct with default values.

DBR_API int DBR_InitDLSConnectionParameters (DM_DLSConnectionParameters *pDLSConnectionParameters)

[in, out] pDLSConnectionParameters The struct of DM_DLSConnectionParameters.

Return Value
Returns error code (returns 0 if the function operates successfully).
You can call DBR_GetErrorString to get detailed error message.

Code Snippet

char errorBuf[512];
DM_DLSConnectionParameters paramters;
paramters.handshakeCode = "Your handshake code";
DBR_InitLicenseFromDLS(&paramters, errorBuf, 512);


Initializes the barcode reader license and connects to the specified server for online verification.

DBR_API int DBR_InitLicenseFromDLS(DM_DLSConnectionParameters *pDLSConnectionParameters, char errorMsgBuffer[], const int errorMsgBufferLen)

[in] pDLSConnectionParameters The struct DM_DLSConnectionParameters with customized settings.
[in, out] errorMsgBuffer The buffer is allocated by caller and the recommended length is 256. The error message will be copied to the buffer.
[in] errorMsgBufferLen The length of allocated buffer.

Return Value
Returns error code (returns 0 if the function operates successfully).
You can call DBR_GetErrorString to get detailed error message.

Code Snippet

char errorBuf[512];
DM_DLSConnectionParameters paramters;
paramters.handshakeCode = "Your handshake code";
DBR_InitLicenseFromDLS(&paramters, errorBuf, 512);


Gets available instances count when charging by concurrent instances count.

DBR_API int DBR_GetIdleInstancesCount()

Return Value
Returns available instances count.

Code Snippet

int count = DBR_GetIdleInstancesCount();
if(count > 0)
  //create instance and process further
  //waiting for available instances 


Deprecated. Use DBR_InitDLSConnectionParameters instead.


Deprecated. Use DBR_InitLicenseFromDLS instead.

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