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General Methods

Method Description
GetErrorString Get error message by error code.
GetVersion Get version information of SDK.
TransformCoordinates Transform the coordinates of a point based on the given transformation matrix.
FreeString Free memory allocated for string.


Get error message by error code.

static const char* dynamsoft::dbr::CBarcodeReader::GetErrorString (const int iErrorCode)

[in] iErrorCode Error code.

Return Value
The error message.

Code Snippet

char errorBuf[512];
dynamsoft::dbr::CBarcodeReader::InitLicense("YOUR-LICENSE-KEY", errorBuf, 512);
CBarcodeReader* reader = CBarcodeReader::GetInstance();
if(reader != NULL)
    int errorCode = reader->DecodeFile("C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Dynamsoft\\{Version number}\\Images\\AllSupportedBarcodeTypes.tif", "");
    const char* errorString = dynamsoft::dbr::CBarcodeReader::GetErrorString(errorCode);
    // add further process


Get version information of SDK.

static const char* dynamsoft::dbr::CBarcodeReader::GetVersion ()

Return Value
The version information string.

Code Snippet

const char* versionInfo = dynamsoft::dbr::CBarcodeReader::GetVersion();


Transform the coordinates of a point based on the given transformation matrix.

static DBRPoint dynamsoft::dbr::CBarcodeReader::TransformCoordinates(DBRPoint originalPoint, double transformationMatrix[9])


[in] originalPoint : The original point that needs to be transformed.
[in] transformationMatrix : The 3x3 matrix used for coordinate transformation.

Return Value

The point after transformation.

Code Snippet

//get originalPoint and transformationMatrix from LocalizationResult
DBRPoint targetPoint = CBarcodeReader::TransformCoordinates(originalPoint, transformationMatrix);


Free memory allocated for string.

static void dynamsoft::dbr::CBarcodeReader::FreeString(char** content)


[in] content The string needs to be freed.

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latest version

  • Latest version
  • Version 10.x
    • Version 10.4.10
    • Version 10.2.10
    • Version 10.2.0
    • Version 10.0.20
    • Version 10.0.10
    • Version 10.0.0
  • Version 9.x
    • Version 9.6.40
    • Version 9.6.30
    • Version 9.6.20
    • Version 9.6.10
    • Version 9.6.0
    • Version 9.4.0
    • Version 9.2.0
    • Version 9.0.0
  • Version 8.x
    • Version 8.8.0
    • Version 8.6.0
    • Version 8.4.0
    • Version 8.2.0
    • Version 8.1.2
    • Version 8.1.0
    • Version 8.0.0
  • Version 7.x
    • Version 7.6.0
    • Version 7.5.0
  • Documentation Homepage
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