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License Methods

Method Description
InitLicenseFromServer Initializes license and connect to the specified server for online verification.
InitLicenseFromLicenseContent Initializes barcode reader license and connects to the specified server for online verification.
OutputLicenseToString Outputs the license content as an encrypted string from the license server to be used for offline license verification.
InitDLSConnectionParameters Initializes a DMDLSConnectionParameters struct with default values.
InitLicenseFromDLS Initializes the barcode reader license and connects to the specified server for online verification.
GetIdleInstancesCount Gets available instances count when charging by concurrent instances count.
InitLTSConnectionParameters Deprecated. Use InitDLSConnectionParameters instead.
InitLicenseFromLTS Deprecated. Use InitLicenseFromDLS instead.


Initializes the license and connect to the specified server for online verification.

int Dynamsoft.DBR.BarcodeReader.InitLicenseFromServer(string licenseServer, string licenseKey)

[in] licenseServer <string> : The name/IP of the license server.
[in] licenseKey <string> : The license key of Barcode Reader.

Return Value
Returns error code.

Code Snippet

int iLicMsg = -1;
BarcodeReader _br = new BarcodeReader();
// Connect to Dynamsoft server to verify the license. 
iLicMsg = _br.InitLicenseFromServer("", "licenseKey1;licenseKey2");
if(iLicMsg != 0)
   Console.WriteLine("License error Code:",iLicMsg);
// Decode barcodes happens here


Initializes barcode reader license and connects to the specified server for online verification.

int Dynamsoft.DBR.BarcodeReader.InitLicenseFromLicenseContent(string licenseKey, string strLicenseContent)

[in] licenseKey <string> : The license key of Barcode Reader.
[in] pLicenseContent <string> : An encrypted string representing the license content (runtime number, expiry date, barcode type, etc.) obtained from the method OutputLicenseToString().

Return Value
Returns error code.

Code Snippet

int iLicMsg = -1;
BarcodeReader _br = new BarcodeReader();
// Use the SDK offline 
iLicMsg = _br.InitLicenseFromLicenseContent("licenseKey1;licenseKey2", "LicenseContent");
if(iLicMsg != 0)
   Console.WriteLine("License error Code:",iLicMsg);
// Decode barcodes happens here


Outputs the license content as an encrypted string from the license server to be used for offline license verification.

string Dynamsoft.DBR.BarcodeReader.OutputLicenseToString()

Return Value
The output string which stores the contents of license.

Code Snippet

int iLicMsg = -1;
string path = @"Put your file path here";
// To be able to use the license key offline, you need to store the license file obtained from Dynamsoft server once you use the API, InitLicenseFromServer.
BarcodeReader _br = new BarcodeReader();
// Check if there is a license file in the local machine. If not, connect to Dynamsoft Hosted server to verify the license. Otherwise, use the local license file.
if (!File.Exists(path))
   // Connect to Dynamsoft server to verify the license
   iLicMsg = _br.InitLicenseFromServer("", "licenseKey1;licenseKey2");
   // The first parameter is the string of the license server. Leaving it empty ("") means it will connect to Dynamsoft License Server for online verification.
   if(iLicMsg != 0)
      Console.WriteLine("License error Code:",iLicMsg);
   // If you wish to use SDK offline, store the license information as txt format
   string license = _br.OutputLicenseToString();
   File.WriteAllText(path, license);
   // Use the local license file and use Dynamsoft Barcode Reader SDK 
   string license = File.ReadAllText(path);
   iLicMsg = _br.InitLicenseFromLicenseContent("licenseKey1;licenseKey2",license);
   if(iLicMsg != 0)
      Console.WriteLine("Error Code:",iLicMsg);
// Decode barcodes happens here


Initializes a DMDLSConnectionParameters struct with default values.

static DMDLSConnectionParameters Dynamsoft.DBR.BarcodeReader.InitDLSConnectionParameters()

Code Snippet

DMDLSConnectionParameters dlsInfo = BarcodeReader.InitDLSConnectionParameters();
dlsInfo.HandShake = "*****-hs-****";
dlsInfo.SessionPassword = "******";
string errorMsg;
BarcodeReader.InitLicenseFromDLS(dlsInfo, out errorMsg);
BarcodeReader reader = new BarcodeReader();


Initializes the barcode reader license and connects to the specified server for online verification.

static EnumErrorCode Dynamsoft.DBR.BarcodeReader.InitLicenseFromDLS(DMDLSConnectionParameters dlsConnectionParameters, out string errorMsg)

[in] dlsConnectionParameters <string> : The struct DMDLSConnectionParameters with customized settings.
[in, out] errorMsg <string> : The detailed error message.

Return Value
Returns error code.

Code Snippet

DMDLSConnectionParameters dlsInfo = BarcodeReader.InitDLSConnectionParameters();
dlsInfo.HandShake = "*****-hs-****";
dlsInfo.SessionPassword = "******";
string errorMsg;
BarcodeReader.InitLicenseFromDLS(dlsInfo, out errorMsg);
BarcodeReader reader = new BarcodeReader();


Gets available instances count when charging by concurrent instances count.

static int Dynamsoft.DBR.BarcodeReader.GetIdleInstancesCount()

Return Value
Returns available instances count.

Code Snippet

int count = BarcodeReader.GetIdleInstancesCount();
if(count > 0)
  //create instance and process further
  //waiting for available instances 


Deprecated. Use InitDLSConnectionParameters instead.


Deprecated. Use InitLicenseFromDLS instead.

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