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This page is applicable to version 8.2.3

Javascript API Reference - BarcodeScanner Capture Settings

Method Description
getCapabilities() Get the camera capabilities.
getResolution() Get current video resolution.
setResolution() Set current video resolution.
getScanSettings() Get current scan settings.
updateScanSettings() Modify and update scan settings.
getVideoSettings() Get current video settings.
updateVideoSettings() Modify and update video settings.
setColorTemperature() Adjust the video colour temperature.
setExposureCompensation() Adjust the video exposure level.
setFrameRate() Adjust the video frame rate.
setZoom() Adjust the video zoom ratio.
turnOffTorch() Turn off the torch/flashlight.
turnOnTorch() Turn on the torch/flashlight.


Get the camera capabilities.

This method should be called when the camera is turned on. Note that it only works with Chromium-based browsers such as Edge and Chrome on Windows or Android. Other browsers such as Firefox or Safari are not supported. Note that all browsers on iOS (including Chrome) use WebKit as the rendering engine and are not supported.

getCapabilities() returns MediaTrackCapabilities

Return Value



> scanner.getCapabilities()
< {
  "colorTemperature": {max: 7000, min: 2850, step: 50},
  "exposureCompensation": {max: 2.0000040531158447, min: -2.0000040531158447, step: 0.16666699945926666},
  "zoom":{max: 606, min: 100, step: 2}

:+1: Tips and Tricks

Check out the following APIs to modify your device capabilities (if supported).


Get current video resolution.

getResolution() returns number[]

Return Value



let rsl = await scanner.getResolution();
console.log(rsl.width + " x " + rsl.height);

Read barcodes from live camera


Set the camera resolution.

setResolution(width, height) returns Promise


  • width number number[]
  • height number

Return Value



Read barcodes from live camera


Get current scan settings of BarcodeScanner and saves it into a struct.

getScanSettings() returns Promise

Return Value



Read barcodes from live camera


Modify and update scan settings.

updateScanSettings(settings) returns Promise


settings ScanSettings

Return Value



Read barcodes from live camera


Get current video settings of BarcodeScanner and saves it into a struct.

getVideoSettings() returns MediaStreamConstraints

Return Value



Read barcodes from live camera


Modify and update video settings.

updateVideoSettings(MediaStreamConstraints) returns Promise


MediaStreamConstraints any

Return Value

Promise<ScannerPlayCallbackInfo | void>


await scanner.updateVideoSettings({ 
    video: { width: { ideal: 1280 }, 
             height: { ideal: 720 }, 
             facingMode: { ideal: 'environment' } 

Read barcodes from live camera


Adjust the video colour temperature.

This method should be called when the camera is turned on. Note that it only works with Chromium-based browsers such as Edge and Chrome on Windows or Android. Other browsers such as Firefox or Safari are not supported. Note that all browsers on iOS (including Chrome) use WebKit as the rendering engine and are not supported. Check if this capability is supported by the camera using getCapabilities.

setColorTemperature(value) returns Promise


value number

Return Value



Read barcodes from live camera


Adjust the video exposure level.

This method should be called when the camera is turned on. Note that it only works with Chromium-based browsers such as Edge and Chrome on Windows or Android. Other browsers such as Firefox or Safari are not supported. Note that all browsers on iOS (including Chrome) use WebKit as the rendering engine and are not supported. Check if this capability is supported by the camera using getCapabilities.

setExposureCompensation(value) returns Promise


value number

Return Value



Read barcodes from live camera


Adjust the video frame rate.

This method should be called when the camera is turned on. Note that it only works with Chromium-based browsers such as Edge and Chrome on Windows or Android. Other browsers such as Firefox or Safari are not supported. Note that all browsers on iOS (including Chrome) use WebKit as the rendering engine and are not supported. Check if this capability is supported by the camera using getCapabilities.

setFrameRate(value) returns Promise


value number

Return Value



Read barcodes from live camera


Adjust the video zoom ratio.

This method should be called when the camera is turned on. Note that it only works with Chromium-based browsers such as Edge and Chrome on Windows or Android. Other browsers such as Firefox or Safari are not supported. Note that all browsers on iOS (including Chrome) use WebKit as the rendering engine and are not supported. Check if this capability is supported by the camera using getCapabilities.

setZoom(value) returns Promise


value number

Return Value



Read barcodes from live camera


Turn off the torch/flashlight.

This method should be called when the camera is turned on. Note that it only works with Chromium-based browsers such as Edge and Chrome on Windows or Android. Other browsers such as Firefox or Safari are not supported. Note that all browsers on iOS (including Chrome) use WebKit as the rendering engine and are not supported. Check if this capability is supported by the camera using getCapabilities.

turnOffTorch() returns Promise

Return Value



Read barcodes from live camera


Turn on the torch/flashlight.

This method should be called when the camera is turned on. Note that it only works with Chromium-based browsers such as Edge and Chrome on Windows or Android. Other browsers such as Firefox or Safari are not supported. Note that all browsers on iOS (including Chrome) use WebKit as the rendering engine and are not supported. Check if this capability is supported by the camera using getCapabilities.

turnOnTorch() returns Promise

Return Value



Read barcodes from live camera

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