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This page is applicable to version 8.2.3

Javascript API Reference - BarcodeScanner Initialize and Destroy Methods

Method Description
createInstance() Create a BarcodeScanner object.
destroy() Destroy the BarcodeScanner object.
getUIElement() Get HTML element containing the BarcodeScanner object.
setUIElement() Set HTML element containing the BarcodeScanner object.


Create a BarcodeScanner object. Overrides BarcodeReader.createInstance.

createInstance(config) returns Promise


configoptional any

Return Value




let scanner = await Dynamsoft.BarcodeScanner.createInstance();

Read barcodes from live camera


Destroy the BarcodeScanner object. Equivalent to the previous method deleteInstance(). Overrides BarcodeReader.destroy.

destroy() returns Promise

Return Value



Get the HTML element containing the BarcodeScanner object.

getUIElement() returns HTMLElement

Return Value



Read barcodes from live camera


Set HTML element containing the BarcodeScanner object.

setUIElement(elementOrUrl) returns Promise


elementOrUrl *HTMLElement string*

Return Value



<!-- Define an element that shows only the video input -->
<!-- The video element will be created and appended to the DIV element with the class dce-video-container , make sure the class name is the same.
Besides, the CSS property position of the DIV element must be either relative, absolute, fixed, or sticky. -->
<div class="dce-video-container" style="position:relative;width:100%;height:500px;"></div>
    let scanner = await Dynamsoft.DBR.BarcodeScanner.createInstance();
    await scanner.setUIElement(document.getElementsByClassName("dce-video-container")[0]);

Read barcodes from live camera

:+1: Tips and Tricks

  • This API changes the UI on the fly. If you want the UI to change as soon as the camera is created, use defaultUIElementURL instead.

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      • Version 8.2.5
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