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This page is applicable to version 8.2.3

BarcodeScanner Properties

  • Class Properties
Property Description
defaultUIElementURL Get or set the default scanner UI.
bUseFullFeature If set to false, use the compact-featured WASM module. Inherited from the BarcodeReader class.
engineResourcePath Get or set the engine (WASM) location. Inherited from the BarcodeReader class.
productKeys Get or set the Dynamsoft Barcode Reader SDK product keys. Inherited from the BarcodeReader class.
version Get the current version. Inherited from the BarcodeReader class.
licenseServer Specify by URL the license server from where authorization is acquired at runtime. Inherited from the BarcodeReader class.
handshakeCode Specify the Handshake Code which determines what authorization is acquired. Inherited from the BarcodeReader class.
sessionPassword Specify a password which protects the Handshake Code from abuse. Inherited from the BarcodeReader class.
  • Instance Properties
Property Description
bDestroyed Indicates whether a BarcodeScanner instance has been destroyed. Inherited from the BarcodeReader class.
bSaveOriCanvas If set to true, save the original image in oriCanvas. Inherited from the BarcodeReader class.
oriCanvas An OffscreenCanvas object that holds the original image. Inherited from the BarcodeReader class.
_bUseWebgl Whether to enable image preprocessing with WebGL APIs, this API may change in the future. Inherited from the BarcodeReader class.
bPlaySoundOnSuccessfulRead If set to true, a sound will be played when a barcode is read successfully. You can change the sound using soundOnSuccessfulRead
barcodeFillStyle Set the style used when filling in located barcode.
barcodeLineWidth Set the width of the located barcode border.
barcodeStrokeStyle Set the style of the located barcode border.
regionMaskFillStyle Set the style used when filling the mask beyond the region.
regionMaskLineWidth Set the width of the region border.
regionMaskStrokeStyle Set the style of the region border.
onFrameRead Triggered when a frame has been scanned.
onPlayed Triggered when the camera video stream is played.
onUnduplicatedRead Triggered when a new, unduplicated barcode is found.
singleFrameMode If set to true, single video frames will be used instead of a continuous video stream.
soundOnSuccessfulRead Get or set the sound to play when a barcode is read successfully.


Get or set the default scanner UI. The default scanner UI is defined in the file dist/dbr.scanner.html. Follow these steps to customize the UI.

defaultUIElementURL = 'url'

Property Value

url string

:+1: Tips and Tricks

  • Be sure to set defaultUIElementURL before you call createInstance.


Get or set the camera mode. If true, single video frames will be used instead of a continuous video stream. It’s especially useful for cameras that lack webcam access (lack of WebRTC support, e.g. Chrome on iOS 14.2 and below).

singleFrameMode = bool;

Property Value

bool boolean


let scanner = await Dynamsoft.DBR.BarcodeScanner.createInstance();
scanner.singleFrameMode = true; // use singleFrameMode anyway;

:+1: Tips and Tricks

  • singleFrameMode is based on WebRTC support, not actual camera connection. In other words, if a browser supports WebRTC, it won’t be using singleFrameMode by default even when there is no camera attached.

  • By default, when the default UI is used, a camera icon will appear for the singleFrameMode which is defined by a SVG (className is dbrScanner-bg-camera). If you have customized the UI, you will have to provide your own UI implementation for this mode.


Get or set the sound played when a barcode is read successfully.

soundOnSuccessfulRead = audio

Property Value

audio HTMLAudioElement


scanner.soundOnSuccessfulRead = new Audio("./pi.mp3");


Set when a sound is played if a barcode is read successfully. Default value is false, which does not play a sound.

Use frame or true to play a sound when any barcode is found within a frame. Use unduplicated to play a sound only when any unique/unduplicated barcode is found within a frame.

scanner.bPlaySoundOnSuccessfulRead = false;

scanner.bPlaySoundOnSuccessfulRead = true;

scanner.bPlaySoundOnSuccessfulRead = "frame";

scanner.bPlaySoundOnSuccessfulRead = "unduplicated";


Set the style used when filling in the located barcode.

barcodeFillStyle = "rgba(red, green, blue, alpha)"

Property Values

  • red number
  • green number
  • blue number
  • alpha number


Set the style of the located barcode border.

barcodeStrokeStyle = "rgba(red, green, blue, alpha)"

Property Values

  • red number
  • green number
  • blue number
  • alpha number


Set the style used when filling the mask beyond the region.

regionMaskFillStyle = "rgba(red, green, blue, alpha)"

Property Values

  • red number
  • green number
  • blue number
  • alpha number


Set the style of the region border.

regionMaskStrokeStyle = "rgb(red, green, blue)"

Property Values

  • red number
  • green number
  • blue number


This event is triggered when a single frame has been scanned. The results object contains all the barcode results that the reader was able to decode.

Type Declaration

(results: TextResult[]): void


results TextResult[]

Return Value



scanner.onFrameRead = results => {
    for(let result of results){

Read barcodes from live camera


This event is triggered the camera video stream is played.

Type Declaration

(info: ScannerPlayCallbackInfo): void


info ScannerPlayCallbackInfo

Return Value



Read barcodes from live camera


This event is triggered when a new, unduplicated barcode is found. txt holds the barcode text result. result contains the actual barcode result, including the text result. Old barcodes will be remembered for duplicateForgetTime.

Type Declaration

(txt: string, result: TextResult): void


Return Value



scanner.onUnduplicatedRead = (txt, result) => {

Read barcodes from live camera

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  • Version 8.x
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    • Version 8.8.3
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    • Version 8.6.0
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    • Version 8.2.5
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    • Version 8.2.0
    • Version 8.1.3
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