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Interface DecodedBarcodesResult represents information of decoded barcodes from an image.

interface DecodedBarcodesResult {
    readonly originalImageHashId: string;
    readonly originalImageTag: Core.ImageTag;
    readonly barcodeResultItems: Array<BarcodeResultItem>;
    readonly errorCode: number;
    readonly errorString: string;


A unique identifier or hash of the original image from which the barcodes were decoded. It can be used to associate the result with a specific input image.

readonly originalImageHashId: string;


An image tag associated with the original image.

readonly originalImageTag: Core.ImageTag;

See also


An array of BarcodeResultItem objects, representing the list of decoded barcodes found in the image.

readonly barcodeResultItems: Array<BarcodeResultItem>;

See also


The error code of the barcode reading result, if an error occurred.

readonly errorCode: number;


The error message of the barcode reading result, if an error occurred.

readonly errorString: string;

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