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DynamsoftCaptureVisionRouter Module

The CaptureVisionRouter module is defined in the namespace Dynamsoft.CVR. It consists of the classes CaptureVisionRouter, CaptureVisionRouterModule, CapturedResultReceiver, IntermediateResultManager, IntermediateResultReceiver and a few interfaces and enumerations.

CaptureVisionRouter Class

The CaptureVisionRouter class defines how a user interacts with image-processing and semantic-processing products in their applications. A CaptureVisionRouter instance accepts and processes images from an image source and returns processing results which may contain Final results or Intermediate Results.

Create and Destroy Instances

Name Description
static createInstance() Initializes a new instance of the CaptureVisionRouter class.
dispose() Releases all resources used by the CaptureVisionRouter instance.
disposed Returns whether the CaptureVisionRouter instance has been disposed of.

Single-Image Processing

Name Description
capture() Processes a single image or a file containing a single image to derive important information.

Multiple-Image Processing

Name Description
setInput() Sets up an image source to provide images for continuous processing.
getInput() Returns the image source object.
addResultReceiver() Adds a CapturedResultReceiver object as the receiver of captured results.
removeResultReceiver() Removes the specified CapturedResultReceiver object.
addResultFilter() Adds a MultiFrameResultCrossFilter object to filter non-essential results.
removeResultFilter() Removes the specified MultiFrameResultCrossFilter object.
startCapturing() Initiates a capturing process based on a specified template.
stopCapturing() Stops the capturing process.


Name Description
initSettings() Initializes settings with either a file or a string.
outputSettings() Outputs a CaptureVisionTemplate specified by its name to a string.
outputSettingsToFile Generates a Blob object or initiates a JSON file download containing the settings for the specified CaptureVisionTemplate.
getSimplifiedSettings() Retrieves a JSON object that contains simplified settings for the specified CaptureVisionTemplate.
updateSettings() Updates the specified CaptureVisionTemplate with an updated SimplifiedCaptureVisionSettings object.
resetSettings() Restores all runtime settings to their original default values.

Intermediate Result

Name Description
getIntermediateResultManager() Returns an object, of type IntermediateResultManager, that manages intermediate results.

CaptureVisionRouterModule Class

The CaptureVisionRouterModule class defines common functionality in the CaptureVisionRouter module.

Name Description
static getVersion() Returns the version of the CaptureVisionRouter module.

CapturedResultReceiver Class

The CapturedResultReceiver class is designed as a standardized way for retrieving captured results in the Dynamsoft Capture Vision architecture. It adopts an event-driven approach, with events dedicated to various result types, such as the original image, decoded barcodes, recognized text lines, detected quads, normalized images, and parsed results, etc.

Name Description
onCapturedResultReceived() Event triggered when a generic captured result is available.
onOriginalImageResultReceived() Event triggered when the original image result is available.
onDecodedBarcodesReceived() Event triggered when decoded barcodes are available.
onRecognizedTextLinesReceived() Event triggered when recognized text lines are available.
onDetectedQuadsReceived() Event triggered when detected quads are available.
onNormalizedImagesReceived() Event triggered when normalized images are available.
onParsedResultsReceived() Event triggered when parsed results are available.

IntermediateResultManager Class

The IntermediateResultManager class is responsible for handling intermediate results obtained during the process of an image. It offers methods to both register and deregister receivers of these intermediate results, as well as to retrieve the original image data.

Name Description
addResultReceiver() Adds a IntermediateResultReceiver object as the receiver of intermediate results.
removeResultReceiver() Removes the specified IntermediateResultReceiver object.
getOriginalImage() Retrieves the original image data.

IntermediateResultReceiver Class

The IntermediateResultReceiver class is designed as a standardized way for retrieving intermediate results in image processing workflows in the Dynamsoft Capture Vision architecture. It adopts an event-driven approach, with events triggered for specific types of results, such as pre-detected regions, localized barcodes, etc. Each event is optional, allowing flexibility and customization based on the needs of the application.

Name Description
onTaskResultsReceived() Event triggered when task results are received.
onPredetectedRegionsReceived() Event triggered when pre-detected regions are received.
onLocalizedBarcodesReceived() Event triggered when localized barcodes are received.
onDecodedBarcodesReceived() Event triggered when decoded barcodes are received.
onLocalizedTextLinesReceived() Event triggered when localized text lines are received.
onRecognizedTextLinesReceived() Event triggered when recognized text lines are received.
onDetectedQuadsReceived() Event triggered when detected quads are received.
onNormalizedImagesReceived() Event triggered when normalized images are received.
onColourImageUnitReceived() Event triggered when a colour image unit is received.
onScaledDownColourImageUnitReceived() Event triggered when a scaled-down colour image unit is received.
onGrayscaleImageUnitReceived() Event triggered when a grayscale image unit is received.
onTransformedGrayscaleImageUnitReceived() Event triggered when a transformed grayscale image unit is received.
onEnhancedGrayscaleImageUnitReceived() Event triggered when an enhanced grayscale image unit is received.
onBinaryImageUnitReceived() Event triggered when a binary image unit is received.
onTextureDetectionResultUnitReceived() Event triggered when a texture detection result unit is received.
onTextureRemovedGrayscaleImageUnitReceived() Event triggered when a texture-removed grayscale image unit is received.
onTextureRemovedBinaryImageUnitReceived() Event triggered when a texture-removed binary image unit is received.
onContoursUnitReceived() Event triggered when a contours unit is received.
onLineSegmentsUnitReceived() Event triggered when a line segments unit is received.
onTextZonesUnitReceived() Event triggered when a text zones unit is received.
onTextRemovedBinaryImageUnitReceived() Event triggered when a text-removed binary image unit is received.
onLongLinesUnitReceived() Event triggered when a long lines unit is received.
onCornersUnitReceived() Event triggered when a corners unit is received.
onCandidateQuadEdgesUnitReceived() Event triggered when a candidate quad edges unit are detected.
onCandidateBarcodeZonesUnitReceived() Event triggered when a candidate barcode zones unit are detected.
onScaledUpBarcodeImageUnitReceived() Event triggered when a scaled-up barcode image unit is received.
onDeformationResistedBarcodeImageUnitReceived() Event triggered when a deformation-resisted barcode image unit is received.
onComplementedBarcodeImageUnitReceived() Event triggered when a complemented barcode image unit is received.

BufferedItemsManager Class

The BufferedItemsManager class is responsible for storing sample data generated during the recognition of confusable characters. Users can obtain these images and reuse them for more precise recognition in the future.

Name Description
getMaxBufferedItems() Gets the buffered recognized character items.
setMaxBufferedItems() Sets the maximum number of buffered items.
getBufferedCharacterItemSet() Gets the buffered recognized character items.



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