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interface KeyBoardInteractionConfig {
    enableZoom?: boolean; // Ctrl + =/-
    enableUndoRedo?: boolean; // Ctrl + z/y
    enableAnnotationClipboard?: boolean; // Ctrl + c/x/v
    enableMultipleAnnotationsSelection?: boolean; // Ctrl + click
    enableMultiplePagesSelection?: boolean; // Ctrl/Shift + click 
    enableMoveAnnotation?: boolean; // Arrow
    enableDeleteAnnotation?: boolean; // Backspace/Delete
    enablePageNavigation?: boolean; // Home End ArrowLeft ArrowRight ArrowDown ArrowUp PageUP PageDown


Aside from the shortcuts controlled by KeyboardInteractionConfig, the uncontrolled shortcuts are always available for use.

  • Esc: Deselects annotations or exits annotation editing mode.
  • Delete/Backspace: Deletes text content in text-based annotations while in editing mode.
  • Arrow keys: Moves the cursor within text-based annotations while in editing mode.
  • Ctrl+A: Selects all text in text-based annotations while in editing mode, or selects all pages in the document in browsing and editing modes.
  • Ctrl+C/X/V: Copies, cuts, or pastes text in text-based annotations while in editing mode.


Enables using the Ctrl(Cmd) + =/- keyboard shortcuts to increase and decrease zoom level on the document, respectively. This is compatible with the Edit Viewers.


Enables using the Ctrl(Cmd) + Z/Y keyboard shortcuts to undo and redo changes to the document, respectively. This is compatible with the Edit Viewer.


Enables using the Ctrl(Cmd) + C/X/V keyboard shortcuts to copy, cut, and paste the system clipboard to and from the document, respectively. This is compatible with the Edit Viewer.


Enables using the Ctrl(Cmd) + Left Click keyboard shortcuts to select multiple annotations on the document. This is compatible with the Edit Viewer.


Enables using the Ctrl(Cmd) + Left Click or Shift + Left Click keyboard shortcuts to select multiple pages in the document. This is compatible with both Browse and Edit Viewers.


Enables using arrow keys to move selected annotations on the document. This is compatible the Edit Viewers.


Enables using the Backspace/Delete keys to delete annotations on the document. This is compatible with the Edit Viewer.


Enables document navigation with the following keys (compatible with the Browse and Edit Viewers):

  • ArrowLeft
  • ArrowRight
  • ArrowUp
  • ArrowDown
  • PageUp
  • PageDown
  • Home
  • End

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