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Barcode with Shadow

Decode Unreadable Barcodes with Dynamsoft Barcode Reader's Custom Scan Parameters

Binarized image produced by Dynamsoft Barcode Reader:

JSON Template (help):

Issue: It’s very common that an image taken may present some shadows. The barcode area with uneven lighting is a very challenging decoding situation that many scanners fail to read.


Dynamsoft Barcode Reader provides an adaptive binarization mode (BM_LOCAL_BLOCK) which caters to different lighting areas in the image in order to successfully decode these challenging barcodes.

Image Source:


Low light
Uneven lighting
QR Code

Download Our Free Barcode Test Sheet

Curious about how our Dynamsoft Barcode Scanner SDK works in real-world applications? Download our free Barcode Test Sheet, a comprehensive PDF packed with different types of barcodes, batched barcodes or even damaged codes ready to be scanned. Explore the real-world examples to see how Dynamsoft can boost your scanning performance and tackle the challenges of difficult-to-read barcodes.

Barcode Test Sheet