This parameter helps control the colour mode of the grayscale image. This parameter is very important when trying to read inverted barcodes. Barcodes typically are dark on a light background, but sometimes they might be inverted, resulting in a light barcode on a dark background. By default, the library is configured to detect the former. So if you are working with inverted barcodes, GrayscaleTransformationModes
is the parameter to deal with them.
It consists of one or more modes, each mode represents a way to transform the grayscale image.
Candidate Mode List
Keeps the original grayscale. This mode has the following arguments for further customization.
Transforms the image to inverted grayscale. This mode is the one to use for inverted barcodes. It also has the following arguments for further customization.
Setting Methods
As PublicRuntimeSettings
can be set dynamically during runtime as a member of FurtherModes
, which is a member of PublicRuntimeSettings
struct, it is an array with 8 GrayscaleTransformationMode
Enumeration items.
Code Snippet in C++
//...other codes
PublicRuntimeSettings* pSettings = new PublicRuntimeSettings;
int errorCode = reader->GetRuntimeSettings(pSettings);
pSettings->grayscaleTransformationModes[0] = GTM_ORIGINAL;
delete pSettings;
//...other codes
and SetModeArgument
need to be called for getting and setting Arguments
See Also
C | C++ | .NET | Java | Java-Android | Objective-C & SwiftPublicRuntimeSettings:
JavaScript | C | C++ | .NET | Python | Java | Java-Android | Objective-C & SwiftGrayscaleTransformationMode:
JavaScript | C | C++ | .NET | Python | Java | Java-Android | Objective-C & SwiftGetModeArgument:
JavaScript | C | C++ | .NET | Python | Java | Java-Android | Objective-C & SwiftSetModeArgument:
JavaScript | C | C++ | .NET | Python | Java | Java-Android | Objective-C & Swift
As JSON Parameter
as a JSON parameter is a JSON Object array. Each JSON object is defined as below.
Key Name | Key Value | Description |
Mode | Any one in Candidate Mode List as string | (Required) Specifies a mode for grayscale transformation. |
LibraryFileName | A string from value range of LibraryFileName | (Optional) Sets the Argument LibraryFileName. |
LibraryParameters | A string from value range of LibraryParameters | (Optional) Sets the Argument LibraryParameters. |
JSON Parameter Example
"GrayscaleTransformationModes": [
Candidate Argument List
Sets the file name of the library to load dynamically.
Value Type | Value Range | Default Value | Valid For |
string | A string value representing file name. | ”” | All modes |
The library must be in the same place with Dynamsoft Barcode Reader Library.
Sets the parameters passed to the library to load dynamically.
Value Type | Value Range | Default Value | Valid For |
string | A string value representing parameters. | ”” | All modes |