Table of contents

Basic Settings Methods

Method Description
SetModeArgument Set argument value for the specified mode parameter.
GetModeArgument Get argument value for the specified mode parameter.
GetRuntimeSettings Get current runtime settings.
UpdateRuntimeSettings Modify and update the current runtime settings.
ResetRuntimeSettings Reset runtime settings to default.


Set argument value for the specified mode parameter.

int dynamsoft::dbr::CBarcodeReader::SetModeArgument (const char* pModesName, const int index, const char* pArgumentName, const char* pArgumentValue, char errorMsgBuffer[] = NULL,  onst int errorMsgBufferLen = 0)	

[in] pModesName The mode parameter name to set argument.
[in] index The array index of mode parameter to indicate a specific mode.
[in] pArgumentName The name of the argument to set.
[in] pArgumentValue The value of the argument to set.
[in,out] errorMsgBufferOptional The buffer is allocated by the caller and the recommended length is 256. The error message will be copied to the buffer.
[in] errorMsgBufferLenOptional The length of the allocated buffer.

Return Value
Returns error code. Possible return(s): DBR_OK; DBRERR_SET_MODE_ARGUMENT_ERROR.
You can call GetErrorString to get detailed error message.

Code Snippet

char errorBuf[512];
dynamsoft::dbr::CBarcodeReader::InitLicense("YOUR-LICENSE-KEY", errorBuf, 512);
CBarcodeReader* reader = CBarcodeReader::GetInstance();
if(reader != NULL)
PublicRuntimeSettings* pSettings = new PublicRuntimeSettings;
pSettings->binarizationModes[0] = BM_LOCAL_BLOCK;
char errorMessage[256];
reader->UpdateRuntimeSettings(pSettings, errorMessage, 256);
reader->SetModeArgument("BinarizationModes", 0, "EnableFillBinaryVacancy", "1", errorMessage, 256);
delete pSettings;
    // add further process

Check follow link for available modes and arguments:


Get argument value for the specified mode parameter.

int dynamsoft::dbr::CBarcodeReader::GetModeArgument (const char* pModesName, const int index, const char* pArgumentName, char valueBuffer[], const int valueBufferLen, char errorMsgBuffer[] = NULL, const int errorMsgBufferLen = 0)	

[in] pModesName The mode parameter name to get argument.
[in] index The array index of mode parameter to indicate a specific mode.
[in] pArgumentName The name of the argument to get.
[in,out] valueBuffer The buffer is allocated by caller and the recommended length is 480. The argument value would be copied to the buffer.
[in] valueBufferLen The length of allocated buffer.
[in,out] errorMsgBufferOptional The buffer is allocated by the caller and the recommended length is 256. The error message will be copied to the buffer.
[in] errorMsgBufferLenOptional The length of the allocated buffer.

Return Value
Returns error code. Possible return(s): DBR_OK; DBRERR_GET_MODE_ARGUMENT_ERROR.
You can call GetErrorString to get detailed error message.

Code Snippet

char errorBuf[512];
dynamsoft::dbr::CBarcodeReader::InitLicense("YOUR-LICENSE-KEY", errorBuf, 512);
CBarcodeReader* reader = CBarcodeReader::GetInstance();
if(reader != NULL)
    PublicRuntimeSettings* pSettings = new PublicRuntimeSettings;
    pSettings->binarizationModes[0] = BM_LOCAL_BLOCK;
    char errorMessage[256];
    char argumentValue[480];
    reader->UpdateRuntimeSettings(pSettings, errorMessage, 256);
    reader->SetModeArgument("BinarizationModes", 0, "EnableFillBinaryVacancy", "1", errorMessage, 256);
    reader->GetModeArgument("BinarizationModes", 0, "EnableFillBinaryVacancy", argumentValue, 480, errorMessage, 256);
    delete pSettings;
    // add further process

Check follow link for available modes and arguments:


Get current settings and save them into a PublicRuntimeSettings struct.

int dynamsoft::dbr::CBarcodeReader::GetRuntimeSettings (PublicRuntimeSettings* psettings)	

[in,out] psettings The struct of template settings.

Return Value
Returns error code (returns 0 if the function operates successfully).
You can call GetErrorString to get detailed error message.

Code Snippet

char errorBuf[512];
dynamsoft::dbr::CBarcodeReader::InitLicense("YOUR-LICENSE-KEY", errorBuf, 512);
CBarcodeReader* reader = CBarcodeReader::GetInstance();
if(reader != NULL)
    PublicRuntimeSettings* pSettings = new PublicRuntimeSettings;
    int errorCode = reader->GetRuntimeSettings(pSettings);
    delete pSettings;
    // add further process


Update runtime settings with a given PublicRuntimeSettings struct.

int dynamsoft::dbr::CBarcodeReader::UpdateRuntimeSettings (PublicRuntimeSettings* pSettings, char errorMsgBuffer[] = NULL, const int errorMsgBufferLen = 0)

[in] pSettings The struct of template settings.
[in,out] errorMsgBufferOptional The buffer is allocated by caller and the recommended length is 256. The error message will be copied to the buffer.
[in] errorMsgBufferLenOptional The length of the allocated buffer.

Return Value
Returns error code (returns 0 if the function operates successfully).
You can call GetErrorString to get detailed error message.

Code Snippet

char errorBuf[512];
dynamsoft::dbr::CBarcodeReader::InitLicense("YOUR-LICENSE-KEY", errorBuf, 512);
CBarcodeReader* reader = CBarcodeReader::GetInstance();
if(reader != NULL)
    PublicRuntimeSettings* pSettings = new PublicRuntimeSettings;
    int errorCode = reader->GetRuntimeSettings(pSettings);
    pSettings->deblurLevel = 9;
    char errorMessage[256];
    reader->UpdateRuntimeSettings(pSettings, errorMessage, 256);
    delete pSettings;
    // add further process


Reset all parameters to default values.

int dynamsoft::dbr::CBarcodeReader::ResetRuntimeSettings ()

Return Value
Returns error code (returns 0 if the function operates successfully).
You can call GetErrorString to get detailed error message.

Code Snippet

char errorBuf[512];
dynamsoft::dbr::CBarcodeReader::InitLicense("YOUR-LICENSE-KEY", errorBuf, 512);
CBarcodeReader* reader = CBarcodeReader::GetInstance();
if(reader != NULL)
    PublicRuntimeSettings* pSettings = new PublicRuntimeSettings;
    int errorCode = reader->GetRuntimeSettings(pSettings);
    pSettings->deblurLevel = 9;
    char errorMessage[256];
    reader->UpdateRuntimeSettings(pSettings, errorMessage, 256);
    delete pSettings;
    // add further process

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