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MinResultConfidence defines the minimum confidence of the result. It is defined as below:

Value Type Value Range Default Value Template Structure Type
int [0, 100] 30 FormatSpecification

Setting Methods

MinResultConfidence is supported to be set through RuntimeSetting or JSON template.

As PublicRuntimeSettings Member

MinResultConfidence can be set dynamically during runtime as a member of PublicRuntimeSettings struct.

Code Snippet in C++

//...other codes
PublicRuntimeSettings* pSettings = new PublicRuntimeSettings;
int errorCode = reader->GetRuntimeSettings(pSettings);
pSettings->minResultConfidence = 30;
delete pSettings;
//...other codes

See Also

As JSON Parameter

MinResultConfidence as a JSON parameter is a number value defined as below.

Key Name Key Value
MinResultConfidence A number from [0, 100]

JSON Example

    "MinResultConfidence": 30

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