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BarcodeResultItem Class

BarcodeResultItem extends the CapturedResultItem class and represents a single barcode result. This is the most basic item of the decoded barcode result, one of the captured result types that the Capture Vision Router can output.


Assembly: DynamsoftBarcodeReader.aar

Namespace: com.dynamsoft.dbr

class BarcodeResultItem extends CapturedResultItem


Method Description
getFormat Returns the format of the barcode.
getFormatString Returns the format text of the barcode.
getText Returns the decode text of the barcode.
getBytes Returns the decode byte of the barcode.
getLocation Returns the location of the barcode.
getConfidence Returns the confidence of the decoding result.
getAngle Returns the rotation angle of the barcode.
getModuleSize Returns the module size of the barcode.
getDetails Returns the details of the decoded barcode.
isDPM Specifies if the decoded barcode is a DPM code or not.
isMirrored Specifies if the decoded barcode is mirrored or not.

The following methods are inherited from CapturedResultItem.

Method Description
getType Get the type of the captured result item, indicating what kind of data it represents.
getReferencedItem Get a property of type CapturedResultItem that represents a reference to another captured result item.
getTargetROIDefName Gets the name of the TargetROIDef object which includes a task that generated the result.
getTaskName The name of the task that generated the result.


Returns the format of the barcode. This format will be one of the EnumBarcodeFormat items.

long getFormat()

Return Value

The EnumBarcodeFormat of the barcode.


Returns the format of the barcode, but as a string instead of a BarcodeFormat enumeration item.

String getFormatString()

Return Value

The format text of the barcode.


Returns the raw decoded text of the barcode.

String getText()

Return Value

The raw decoded text of the barcode.


Returns the raw bytes of the decoded barcode text which is useful when the text string cannot be used.

byte[] getBytes()

Return Value

The bytes of the decoded barcode.


Returns the location of the barcode as a Quadrilateral. The quadrilateral contains the four vertices of the location, with the first vertex in the points array being the top-left most vertex, and then going in a clockwise direction.

Quadrilateral getLocation()

Return Value

A Quadrilateral object representing the location of the barcode.


Returns the confidence of the decoded result, which is a measure of the result’s accuracy or reliability. If the confidence is lower than 30, the result will not be output by default. To change the minimum accepted confidence score for a barcode, please see the minResultConfidence setting.

int getConfidence()

Return Value

An integer representing the confidence of the barcode result.


If the barcode is captured at an angle or is rotated by any measure, this method returns the rotation angle of the barcode.

int getAngle()

Return Value

An integer representing the rotation angle of the barcode.


Returns the size of the individual modules or elements within the barcode.

int getModuleSize()

Return Value

An integer representing the module size of the barcode.


Returns the details of the decoded barcode. BarcodeDetails can offer much more enhanced details specific to the barcode format of the decoded barcode. If you would like to learn more about how you can use these barcode details, please see this article on how to get detailed barcode info.

BarcodeDetails getDetails()

Return Value

A BarcodeDetails object representing the details of the decoded barcode.


Specifies if the decoded barcode is a Direct Part Marking (DPM) code or not. To learn how to read DPM codes, please visit how to read DPM codes.

boolean isDPM()

Return Value

A BOOL value describing whether the barcode is a DPM code or not.


Specifies if the decoded barcode is mirrored or not. Mirrored barcodes are read by setting the MirrorMode.

boolean isMirrored()

Return Value

A BOOL value describing whether the barcode is mirrored or not.

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