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CandidateBarcodeZonesUnit Class

The CandidateBarcodeZonesUnit class represents a unit that contains candidate barcode zones unit. It inherits from the IntermediateResultUnit class.


Assembly: DynamsoftBarcodeReader.aar

Namespace: com.dynamsoft.dbr.intermediate_results

class CandidateBarcodeZonesUnit extends IntermediateResultUnit


Method Description
getCandidateBarcodeZones Get an array of quadrilaterals as the candidate barcode zones.

The following methods are inherited from class IntermediateResultUnit.

Method Description
clone Creates a copy of the intermediate result unit.
gethashId Gets the hash ID of the unit.
getOriginalImageHashId Gets the hash ID of the original image. You can use this ID to get the original image via IntermediateResultManager class.
getOriginalImageTag Gets the image tag of the original image.
getType Gets the type of the intermediate result unit.
getTransformMatrix Gets the transformation matrix via EnumTransformMatrixType.


Quadrilateral[] getCandidateBarcodeZones()

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