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Class iDCESettingParameters


  • This class is removed in 9.0 version. Please use the video methods for video barcode scanning if you are using the latest version.

Stores the iDCESettingParameters information.

@interface iDCESettingParameters
Attribute Descriptions
cameraInstance The Camera Enhancer instance
textResultDelegate Set text result callback.
textResultData Transfer user data.
intermediateResultDelegate Set intermediate result callback.
intermediateResultData Transfer user data.


The instance of Camera Enhancer. This instance will enable DBR to fetch frames from the Camera Enhancer frame queue and also take control of the status of the camera.

DynamsoftCameraEnhancer* cameraInstance


Set text result delegate.

DBRTextResultDelegate* textResultDelegate

The textResultDelegate includes the following Parameters:

frame: The frame data.
frameID: The ID of frame.
results: The recognized barcode result of the frame.
userData: Arguments passed to your function.


Set the UserData of the textResultDelegate.

NSObject* textResultData


Set intermediate result delegate.

DBRIntermediateResultDelegate* intermediateResultDelegate

The intermediateResultDelegate includes the following Parameters:

frameID: The ID of frame.
results: The intermediate result of the frame.
userData: Arguments passed to your function.


Set the UserData of the intermediateResultDelegate.

NSObject* intermediateResultData

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