Table of contents

Other Enumeration

Enumeration Description
ImagePixelFormat Describes the image pixel format.
QRCodeErrorCorrectionLevel Describes the QR Code error correction level.


Describes the image pixel format.


Language Declaration
C / C++ enum ImagePixelFormat


Member Value Description
IPF_BINARY 0 0: Black, 1: White
IPF_BINARYINVERTED 1 0: Black, 1: White
IPF_GRAYSCALED 2 8 bit gray
IPF_NV21 3 NV21
IPF_RGB_565 4 16bit with RGB channel order stored in memory from high to low address
IPF_RGB_555 5 16bit with RGB channel order stored in memory from high to low address
IPF_RGB_888 6 24bit with RGB channel order stored in memory from high to low address
IPF_ARGB_8888 7 32bit with ARGB channel order stored in memory from high to low address
IPF_RGB_161616 8 48bit with RGB channel order stored in memory from high to low address
IPF_ARGB_16161616 9 64bit with ARGB channel order stored in memory from high to low address
IPF_ABGR_8888 10 32bit with ABGR channel order stored in memory from high to low address
IPF_ABGR_16161616 11 64bit with ABGR channel order stored in memory from high to low address
IPF_BGR_888 12 24bit with BGR channel order stored in memory from high to low address


Describes the QR Code error correction level.


Language Declaration
C / C++ enum QRCodeErrorCorrectionLevel


Member Value Description
QRECL_ERROR_CORRECTION_H 0 Error Correction Level H (high)
QRECL_ERROR_CORRECTION_L 1 Error Correction Level L (low)
QRECL_ERROR_CORRECTION_M 2 Error Correction Level M (medium-low)
QRECL_ERROR_CORRECTION_Q 3 Error Correction Level Q (medium-high)

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