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Result Enumeration

Enumeration Description
IMResultDataType Describes the intermediate result data type.
IntermediateResultSavingMode Describes the intermediate result saving mode.
IntermediateResultType Describes the intermediate result type.
ResultCoordinateType Describes the result coordinate type.
ResultType Describes the extended result type.
TextResultOrderMode Describes the text result order mode.


Describes the intermediate result data type.


Language Declaration
C / C++ enum IMResultDataType


Member Value Description
IMRDT_IMAGE 0x01 Specifies the ImageData.
IMRDT_CONTOUR 0x02 Specifies the Contour.
IMRDT_LINESEGMENT 0x04 Specifies the LineSegment.
IMRDT_LOCALIZATIONRESULT 0x08 Specifies the LocalizationResult.
IMRDT_REGIONOFINTEREST 0x10 Specifies the RegionOfInterest.
IMRDT_QUADRILATERAL 0x20 Specifies the Quadrilateral.
IMRDT_REFERENCE 0x40 Specifies the internal data format for using other Dynamsoft products, such as Dynamic Web TWAIN.


Describes the intermediate result saving mode.


Language Declaration
C / C++ enum IntermediateResultSavingMode


Member Value Description Valid Argument(s)
IRSM_MEMORY 0x01 Saves intermediate results in memory with public data format. N/A
IRSM_FILESYSTEM 0x02 Saves intermediate results in file system. FolderPath
IRSM_BOTH 0x04 Saves intermediate results using IRSM_MEMORY and IRSM_FILESYSTEM. FolderPath
IRSM_REFERENCE_MEMORY 0x08 Saves intermediate results in memory with internal data format. FolderPath


Describes the intermediate result type.


Language Declaration
C / C++ enum IntermediateResultType


Member Value Description
IRT_NO_RESULT 0x00 No intermediate result
IRT_ORIGINAL_IMAGE 0x01 Original image
IRT_COLOUR_CLUSTERED_IMAGE 0x02 Colour clustered image (not supported yet)
IRT_COLOUR_CONVERTED_GRAYSCALE_IMAGE 0x04 Colour image converted to grayscale
IRT_TRANSFORMED_GRAYSCALE_IMAGE 0x08 Transformed grayscale image
IRT_PREDETECTED_REGION 0x10 Predetected region
IRT_PREPROCESSED_IMAGE 0x20 Preprocessed image
IRT_BINARIZED_IMAGE 0x40 Binarized image
IRT_TEXT_ZONE 0x80 Text zone
IRT_CONTOUR 0x100 Contour
IRT_LINE_SEGMENT 0x200 Line segment
IRT_FORM 0x400 Form (not supported yet)
IRT_SEGMENTATION_BLOCK 0x800 Segmentation block (not supported yet)
IRT_TYPED_BARCODE_ZONE 0x1000 Typed barcode zone
IRT_PREDETECTED_QUADRILATERAL 0x2000 Predetected quadrilateral


Describes the result coordinate type.


Language Declaration
C / C++ enum ResultCoordinateType


Member Value Description
RCT_PIXEL 0x01 Returns the coordinate in pixel value.
RCT_PERCENTAGE 0x02 Returns the coordinate as a percentage.


Describes the extended result type.


Language Declaration
C / C++ enum ResultType


Member Value Description
RT_STANDARD_TEXT 0 Specifies the standard text. This means the barcode value.
RT_RAW_TEXT 1 Specifies the raw text. This means the text that includes start/stop characters, check digits, etc.
RT_CANDIDATE_TEXT 2 Specifies all the candidate text. This means all the standard text results decoded from the barcode.
RT_PARTIAL_TEXT 3 Specifies the partial text. This means part of the text result decoded from the barcode.


Describes the text result order mode.


Language Declaration
C / C++ enum TextResultOrderMode


Member Value Description
TROM_SKIP 0x00 Skips the result ordering operation.
TROM_CONFIDENCE 0x01 Returns the text results in descending order by confidence.
TROM_POSITION 0x02 Returns the text results in position order, from top to bottom, then left to right.
TROM_FORMAT 0x04 Returns the text results in alphabetical and numerical order by barcode format string.

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