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class dynamsoft::dbr::CBarcodeReader

Constructor and Destructor

Method Description
CBarcodeReader Default constructor of CBarcodeReader object.
~CBarcodeReader Destructor of CBarcodeReader object.
GetInstance Creates an instance of Dynamsoft Barcode Reader.
Recycle Destroys an instance of Dynamsoft Barcode Reader.


Method Description
InitLicense Initializes license key and activate the SDK.
GetDeviceUUID Gets the device uuid used for license activating.
IsInstanceValid Gets whether the instance is valid when charging by concurrent instances count.
SetDeviceFriendlyName Sets a human-readable name that identifies the device.
SetLicenseCachePath Sets a directory path for saving the license cache.
SetMaxConcurrentInstanceCount Sets the max concurrent instance count used for current device and process.
GetInstancePoolStatus Gets a struct to represent the status of an instance pool.
GetIdleInstancesCount Deprecated
InitLicenseFromServer Deprecated
InitLicenseFromLicenseContent Deprecated
OutputLicenseToString Deprecated
OutputLicenseToStringPtr Deprecated
FreeLicenseString Deprecated
InitDLSConnectionParameters Deprecated
InitLicenseFromDLS Deprecated
InitLTSConnectionParameters Deprecated
InitLicenseFromLTS Deprecated


Method Description
DecodeFile Decode barcodes from a specified image file.
DecodeFileInMemory Decode barcodes from an image file in memory.
DecodeBuffer Decode barcodes from raw buffer.
DecodeBase64String Decode barcodes from a base64 encoded string.
DecodeDIB Decode barcode from a handle of device-independent bitmap (DIB).
InitIntermediateResult Inits an intermediateResult struct with default values.
DecodeIntermediateResults Decodes barcode from intermediate results.

Basic Settings Functions

Method Description
SetModeArgument Set argument value for the specified mode parameter.
GetModeArgument Get argument value for the specified mode parameter.
GetRuntimeSettings Get current runtime settings.
UpdateRuntimeSettings Modify and update the current runtime settings.
ResetRuntimeSettings Reset runtime settings to default.

Advanced Settings Functions

Method Description
InitRuntimeSettingsWithFile Initialize runtime settings with the settings in a given JSON file.
InitRuntimeSettingsWithString Initialize runtime settings with the settings in a given JSON string.
AppendTplFileToRuntimeSettings Append a new template file to the current runtime settings.
AppendTplStringToRuntimeSettings Append a new template string to the current runtime settings.
GetParameterTemplateCount Get the count of the parameter templates.
GetParameterTemplateName Get the parameter template name by index.
OutputSettingsToFile Output runtime settings to a settings file (JSON file).
OutputSettingsToString Output runtime settings to a string.
OutputSettingsToStringPtr Output runtime settings to a string.
FreeSettingsString Free memory allocated for runtime settings string.


Method Description
GetAllTextResults Get all recognized barcode results.
FreeTextResults Free memory allocated for text results.
GetIntermediateResults Get intermediate results.
FreeIntermediateResults Free memory allocated for the intermediate results.


Method Description
GetErrorString Get error message by error code.
GetVersion Get version information of SDK.
TransformCoordinates Transform the coordinates of a point based on the given transformation matrix.
FreeString Free memory allocated for string.



Method Description
StartFrameDecoding Decode barcodes from inner frame queue.
StartFrameDecodingEx Decode barcodes from inner frame queue.
AppendFrame Append a frame image buffer to the inner frame queue.
StopFrameDecoding Stop thread used for frame decoding.


Method Description
InitFrameDecodingParameters Initialize frame decoding parameter.


Method Description
SetErrorCallback Set callback function to process errors which is triggered when the library finishes decoding a frame.
SetTextResultCallback Set callback function to process text results which is triggered when the library finishes decoding a frame.
SetUniqueBarcodeCallback Set callback function to process text results which is triggered when the library finishes decoding a frame and finds unique barcodes.
SetIntermediateResultCallback Set callback function to process intermediate results which is triggered when the library finishes decoding a frame.

Status retrieval

Method Description
GetLengthOfFrameQueue Get length of current inner frame queue.

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