Table of contents

User Guide for Document Scanner with .NET

In this guide, you will learn step by step on how to build a document scanner solution with Dynamsoft Capture Vision SDK using C#.

System Requirements

To find out whether your environment is supported, please read the System Requirements.

Build Your Own Application

In this section, we’ll walk through the key steps needed to build an application that capture a document from an image file.

You can download the entire source code from here.

Create a New Project

Start Visual Studio or your preferred C# IDE.

Create a new C# Console Application project. Let’s name it DocumentScanner.

Install the NuGet Package

In the Solution Explorer, right-click on your project and select Manage NuGet Packages.

Search for and install the Dynamsoft.DotNet.CaptureVision.Bundle nuget package.

Import the Namespace

Open the Program.cs file and add the following namespaces.

using Dynamsoft.Core;
using Dynamsoft.CVR;
using Dynamsoft.License;
using Dynamsoft.DCP;

Initialize the License Key

Open the Program.cs file and add the following code inside the Main method to initialize the license for using the SDK in the application:

int errorCode = 1;
string errorMsg;
errorCode = LicenseManager.InitLicense("DLS2eyJvcmdhbml6YXRpb25JRCI6IjIwMDAwMSJ9", out errorMsg);
if (errorCode != (int)EnumErrorCode.EC_OK && errorCode != (int)EnumErrorCode.EC_LICENSE_CACHE_USED)
    Console.WriteLine("License initialization error: " + errorMsg);

The string “DLS2eyJvcmdhbml6YXRpb25JRCI6IjIwMDAwMSJ9” here is a free public trial license. Note that network connection is required for this license to work. When it expires, you can request a 30-day free trial license from the Customer Portal.

Create a CaptureVisionRouter Instance

using (CaptureVisionRouter cvr = new CaptureVisionRouter())
    //code for invoking the capturing

Detect and Save the Normalized Document

  1. Apply detection and normalization for an image file.
using (CaptureVisionRouter cvr = new CaptureVisionRouter())
    string imageFile = "[PATH-TO-THE-IMAGE-FILE]";
    using (CapturedResult? result = cvr.Capture(imageFile, PresetTemplate.PT_DETECT_AND_NORMALIZE_DOCUMENT))
        //code for saving the normalized result as an image file

Please change the [PATH-TO-THE-IMAGE-FILE] to a real image file path.

  1. Save the normalized result as an image file
if (result == null)
    Console.WriteLine("No document detected.");
    if (result.GetErrorCode() != 0)
        Console.WriteLine("Error: " + result.GetErrorCode() + ", " + result.GetErrorString());
    NormalizedImagesResult? normalizedImagesResult = result.GetNormalizedImagesResult();
    if (normalizedImagesResult != null)
        NormalizedImageResultItem[] items = normalizedImagesResult.GetItems();
        Console.WriteLine("Normalized " + items.Length + " documents");
        foreach (NormalizedImageResultItem normalizedItem in items)
            string outPath = "normalizedResult_" + Array.IndexOf(items, normalizedItem) + ".png";
            ImageManager imageManager = new ImageManager();
            var image = normalizedItem.GetImageData();
            if (image != null)
                errorCode = imageManager.SaveToFile(image, outPath);
                if (errorCode == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Document " + Array.IndexOf(items, normalizedItem) + " file: " + outPath);

Build and Run the Project

Save the Program.cs file and then compile and run the program using your IDE (such as Visual Studio). You will see the output message in the console like

Normalized 1 documents.
Document 0 file: XXX

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