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The DetectedQuadResultItem class is an extension of the DSCapturedResultItem that represents a detected quadrilateral. This is the most basic unit of a detected quadrilateral, one of the captured result types that the Capture Vision Router can output.


Assembly: DynamsoftDocumentNormalizer.xcframework

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. NS_SWIFT_NAME(DetectedQuadResultItem)
    @interface DSDetectedQuadResultItem: DSCapturedResultItem
  2. class DetectedQuadResultItem: CapturedResultItem


Attributes Type Description
location DSQuadrilateral A DSQuadrilateral object as the location of current object.
confidenceAsDocumentBoundary NSInteger TThe confidence score of the detected quadrilateral’s boundary, measuring the certainty that the detected quadrilateral represents the boundary of a document.

The following attributes are inherited from DSCapturedResultItem.

Attributes Type Description
type DSCapturedResultItemType The type of the captured result item.
referencedItem DSCapturedResultItem * The referenced captured result item. The reference dependencies is defined in the Capture Vision settings.
targetROIDefName NSString The name of the TargetROIDef object which includes a task that generated the result.
taskName NSString The name of the task that generated the result.


A DSQuadrilateral object that represents the location of the detected quadrilateral within the image or frame.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. @property(nonatomic, nullable, readonly) DSQuadrilateral *location;
  2. var location: DSQuadrilateral? { get }


The confidence score of the detected quadrilateral’s boundary, measuring the certainty that the detected quadrilateral represents the boundary of a document.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger confidenceAsDocumentBoundary;
  2. var confidenceAsDocumentBoundary: Int { get }

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