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interface StampAnnotationOptions{
    x?: number;
    y?: number;
    width?: number;
    height?: number; 
    stamp?: EnumStampIcon | string | Blob; 
    opacity?: number; 
    flags?: Flags;
    rotation?: number;



The x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the stamp annotation to draw. The unit is point.

Default value: 10


The y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the stamp annotation to draw. The unit is point.

Default value: 10


The width of the stamp annotation to draw. The unit is point.

Default value: undefined, means the original width of the standard bussiness stamp or the custom image.


The height of the stamp annotation to draw. The unit is point.

Default value: undefined, means the original height of the standard bussiness stamp or the custom image.

Stamp Location


Specify the standard business stamp or the blob of a custom image to be drawn. Please refer to EnumStampIcon for standard business stamp.

Default value: Dynamsoft.DDV.EnumStampIcon.DRAFT

If set to blob, the custom image will be added as the stamp.

Supported image formats: PNG, JPEG

The value of type string is readonly and only suitable for incomplete annotation.


The opacity of the whole annotation. The value range is [0,1], value which is greater than 1 will default to 1.

Default value: 1


The flags of annotation.

Please refer to Flags.


The rotation angle of annotation.

Default value: 0


  • Positive value means clockwise rotation, negative value means counterclockwise rotation.

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