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The TextLineResultItem class represents a text line result item recognized by the library. It is derived from CapturedResultItem.


Module: dynamsoft_label_recognizer

Inheritance: CapturedResultItem -> TextLineResultItem

class TextLineResultItem(dynamsoft_core.CapturedResultItem)


Method Description
get_text Gets the text content of the text line.
get_location Gets the location of the text line in the form of a quadrilateral.
get_confidence Gets the confidence of the text line recognition result.
get_character_results Gets all the character results.
get_specification_name Gets the name of the text line specification that generated this item.
get_raw_text Gets the recognized raw text, excluding any concatenation separators.


Gets the text content of the text line.

def get_text(self) -> str:

Return Value

Returns the text content of the text line.


Gets the location of the text line in the form of a quadrilateral.

def get_location(self) -> Quadrilateral:

Return Value

Returns the location of the text line in the form of a quadrilateral.

See Also



Gets the confidence of the text line recognition result.

def get_confidence(self) -> int:

Return Value

Returns the confidence of the text line recognition result.


Gets all the character results.

def get_character_results(self) -> List[CharacterResult]:

Return Value

Returns all the character results as a CharacterResult list.

See Also



Gets the name of the text line specification that generated this item.

def get_specification_name(self) -> str:

Return Value

Returns the name of the text line specification that generated this item.


Gets the recognized raw text, excluding any concatenation separators.

def get_raw_text(self) -> str:

Return Value

Returns the recognized raw text.

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