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UI Customization

Can I customize UI elements of the built-in image editor?

Yes, you can perform various customizations on the image editor. Some of such customizations are shown below as examples.

Can I change the language of the Editor?

Yes, as shown in the sample code below, you can use the parameters titles and dialogText to specify the language used in the editor.

 titles: {
            'previous': 'Previous Image',
            'next': 'Next Image',
            'print': 'Print Image',
            'scan': 'Scan Documents',
            'load': 'Load Local Images'
 dialogText: {
        dlgRotateAnyAngle: ['Angle :', 'Interpolation:', 'Keep size', '  OK  ', 'Cancel'],
        dlgChangeImageSize: ['New Height :', 'New Width :', 'Interpolation method:', '  OK  ', 'Cancel'],
        saveChangedImage: ['You have changed the image, do you want to keep the change(s)?', '  Yes  ', '  No  '],
        selectSource: ['Select Source:', 'Select', 'Cancel', 'There is no source available']

Can I remove or add buttons on the toolbar of the Editor?

While you can use visibility (as shown in the sample code below) to remove a default button(s), currently you cannot add a custom button.

visibility: {
            'scan': true,
            'load': true,
            'print': false,
            'removeall': true

You can see the print icon is hidden in the image below.


Can I specify where and how big the Editor is?

Yes, as shown in the sample code below, you can use the parameter element to specify where the editor is created and then use width and height to specify its size.

element: document.getElementById("imageEditor"),
width: 600,
height: 400,

Can I change the colors of the Editor?

Yes, as shown in the sample code below, the parameters border , topMenuBorder , innerBorder and background can be used to specify the style, including the color of the editor.

border: '5px solid rgb(0,128,0)',
topMenuBorder: '',
innerBorder: '',
background: "rgb(255, 255, 255)",


Complete code is as below.

// Customize the editor
var editorSettings = {
  /* Show the editor within the DIV 'imageEditor'*/
  element: document.getElementById("imageEditor"),
  width: 600,
  height: 400,
  border: "10px solid rgb(0,128,0)",
  topMenuBorder: "",
  innerBorder: "",
  background: "rgb(255, 255, 255)",
  promptToSaveChange: true,
  buttons: {
    titles: {
      previous: "Previous Image",
      next: "Next Image",
      print: "Print Image",
      scan: "Scan Documents",
      load: "Load Local Images",
      rotateleft: "Rotate Left",
      rotate: "Rotate",
      rotateright: "Rotate Right",
      deskew: "Deskew",
      crop: "Crop Selected Area",
      cut: "Cut Selected Area",
      changeimagesize: "Change Image Size",
      flip: "Flip Image",
      mirror: "Mirror Image",
      zoomin: "Zoom In",
      originalsize: "Show Original Size",
      zoomout: "Zoom Out",
      stretch: "Stretch Mode",
      fit: "Fit Window",
      fitw: "Fit Horizontally",
      fith: "Fit Vertically",
      hand: "Hand Mode",
      rectselect: "Select Mode",
      zoom: "Click to Zoom In",
      restore: "Restore Original Image",
      save: "Save Changes",
      close: "Close the Editor",
      removeall: "Remove All Images",
      removeselected: "Remove All Selected Images",
    visibility: {
      scan: true,
      load: true,
      print: true,
      removeall: true,
      removeselected: true,
      rotateleft: true,
      rotate: true,
      rotateright: true,
      deskew: true,
      crop: true,
      cut: true,
      changeimagesize: true,
      flip: true,
      mirror: true,
      zoomin: true,
      originalsize: true,
      zoomout: true,
      stretch: true,
      fit: true,
      fitw: true,
      fith: true,
      hand: true,
      rectselect: true,
      zoom: true,
      restore: true,
      save: true,
      close: true,
  dialogText: {
    dlgRotateAnyAngle: [
      "Angle :",
      "Keep size",
      "  OK  ",
    dlgChangeImageSize: [
      "New Height :",
      "New Width :",
      "Interpolation method:",
      "  OK  ",
    saveChangedImage: [
      "You have changed the image, do you want to keep the change(s)?",
      "  Yes  ",
      "  No  ",
    selectSource: [
      "Select Source:",
      "There is no source available",

var imageEditor = DWTObject.Viewer.createImageEditor(editorSettings);;

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