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ImageParameter Object - Image Process Control Parameters


Mode Properties

AccompanyingTextRecognitionModes is a parameter for setting the mode to recognize accompanying text. It consists of one or more AccompanyingTextRecognitionMode items and each item has its own arguments. The array index represents the priority of the item. The smaller index is, the higher priority is.

Value Type Value Range Default Value
string array or AccompanyingTextRecognitionMode array “ATRM_SKIP”

Mode Arguments

If RegionBottom, RegionLeft, RegionRight and RegionTop are all equal to 0, the accompanying text zone will be detected automatically by the SDK.


Specifies the y-coordinate of the bottom-right corner of the region in percentage. This value is relative to the top-left corner of the barcode.

Value Type Value Range Default Value Valid Mode(s)
int [-255, 255] 0 “ATRM_GENERAL”

Specifies the x-coordinate of the top-left corner of the region in percentage. This value is relative to the top-left corner of the barcode.

Value Type Value Range Default Value Valid Mode(s)
int [-255, 255] 0 “ATRM_GENERAL”

Specifies the x-coordinate of the bottom-right corner of the region in percentage. This value is relative to the top-left corner of the barcode.

Value Type Value Range Default Value Valid Mode(s)
int [-255, 255] 0 “ATRM_GENERAL”

Specifies the y-coordinate of the top-left corner of the region in percentage. This value is relative to the top-left corner of the barcode.

Value Type Value Range Default Value Valid Mode(s)
int [-255, 255] 0 “ATRM_GENERAL”

Setting Methods

As JSON Parameter

AccompanyingTextRecognitionModes as a JSON parameter is a JSON Object array. Each JSON Object has several keys for setting the mode and the value of arguments. The array order decides the priority order the modes are applied. Default values will be used if there is no manual setting.

Json Object Json Parameter Name Value Type
ImageParameter AccompanyingTextRecognitionModes JSON Object Array

JSON Parameter Example

    "AccompanyingTextRecognitionModes": [
            "Mode": "ATRM_GENERAL",
            "RegionBottom": 50, 
            "RegionLeft": 50,
            "RegionRight": 50, 
            "RegionTop": 50


As PublicRuntimeSettings Member

AccompanyingTextRecognitionModes is a AccompanyingTextRecognitionMode array defines in furtherModes which is a struct member of PublicRuntimeSettings. It is used for setting the modes and the priority to recognize accompanying text. Default value will be used if there is no manual setting.

Struct Struct Member Name Value Type
PublicRuntimeSettings->furtherModes accompanyingTextRecognitionModes AccompanyingTextRecognitionMode[8]


GetModeArgument and SetModeArgument need to be called for getting or setting the value of arguments.

See Also

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