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DeformationResistingModes describes how to handle distorted and deformed barcodes. It consists of one or more modes, each mode representing a different way to implement the deformation resistance algorithm.

Candidate Mode List



Resists deformation using the general algorithm. This mode has the following arguments for further customizing.


Resists deformation when the barcode is warped gently. This mode has the following arguments for further customizing.


Resists deformation for barcodes with minor deformation in local modules. This mode has the following arguments for further customizing.


Resists deformation for barcodes on a wrinkled surface. This mode has the following arguments for further customizing.


Lets the library choose a mode automatically.

Setting Methods

As PublicRuntimeSettings Member

DeformationResistingModes can be set dynamically during runtime as a member of FurtherModes, which is a member of PublicRuntimeSettings struct, it is an array with 8 DeformationResistingMode Enumeration items.

Code Snippet in C++

//...other codes
PublicRuntimeSettings* pSettings = new PublicRuntimeSettings;
int errorCode = reader->GetRuntimeSettings(pSettings);
pSettings->deformationResistingModes[0] = DRM_GENERAL;
reader->SetModeArgument("DeformationResistingModes", 0, "Level", "1");
delete pSettings;
//...other codes

GetModeArgument and SetModeArgument need to be called for getting and setting Arguments.

See Also

As JSON Parameter

DeformationResistingModes as a JSON parameter is a JSON Object array. Each JSON object is defined as below.

Key Name Key Value Description
Mode Any one in Candidate Mode List as string (Required) Specifies a mode for deformation resisting.
Level A number from value range of Level (Optional) Sets the Argument Level.
GrayscaleEnhancementMode A JSON object defined as GrayscaleEnhancementMode (Optional) Sets the Argument GrayscaleEnhancementMode.
BinarizationMode A JSON object defined as BinarizationMode (Optional) Sets the Argument BinarizationMode.
LibraryFileName A string from value range of LibraryFileName (Optional) Sets the Argument LibraryFileName.
LibraryParameters A string from value range of LibraryParameters (Optional) Sets the Argument LibraryParameters.

JSON Parameter Example

    "DeformationResistingModes": [
            "Mode": "DRM_GENERAL", 
            "Level": 1
            "Mode": "DRM_DEWRINKLE",
                "Mode": "GEM_SHARPEN_SMOOTH", 
                "SmoothBlockSizeX": 3, 
                "SmoothBlockSizeY": 3, 
                "SharpenBlockSizeX": 3, 
                "SharpenBlockSizeY": 3 
                "Mode": "BM_LOCAL_BLOCK", 
                "BlockSizeX": 3, 
                "BlockSizeY": 3

Candidate Argument List


Sets the binarization process used for deformation resisting. It is a JSON object defined as below.

Key Name Value Type Value Range Default Value Description
Mode string BM_LOCAL_BLOCK
BM_LOCAL_BLOCK (Required) Sets a binarization mode.
BlockSizeX int [0, 1000] 0 (Optional) Sets the horizontal block size for the binarization process.
Valid when mode is BM_LOCAL_BLOCK.
0: The value will be set automatically by the SDK.
BlockSizeY int [0, 1000] 0 (Optional) Sets the vertical block size for the binarization process.
Valid when mode is BM_LOCAL_BLOCK.
0: The value will be set automatically by the SDK.
EnableFillBinaryVacancy int [0, 1] 1 (Optional) Sets whether to enable binary vacancy filling.
Valid when mode is BM_LOCAL_BLOCK.
0: disable
1: enable
ThresholdCompensation int [-255, 255]
or -10000
10 (Optional) Sets the constant subtracted from the mean or weighted mean used for calculating the threshold.
Valid when mode is BM_LOCAL_BLOCK.
-10000: The library may try multiple values for current process.
BinarizationThreshold int [-1, 255] -1 (Optional) Sets the binarization threshold.
Valid when mode is BM_THRESHOLD.
-1: The value will be set automatically by the SDK.
MorphOperation string Erode
Close (Optional) Sets the morph operation for the morphology process.
Valid when mode is BM_LOCAL_BLOCK or BM_THRESHOLD.
MorphShape string Rectangle
Optional (Optional) Sets the morph shape for the morphology process.
Valid when mode is BM_LOCAL_BLOCK or BM_THRESHOLD.
MorphOperationKernelSizeX int [-1, 1000] -1 (Optional) Sets the horizontal kernel size for the morphology process.
Valid when mode is BM_LOCAL_BLOCK or BM_THRESHOLD.
- 0: The value will be set automatically by the SDK.
-1: Skip the morph operation.
MorphOperationKernelSizeY int [-1, 1000] -1 (Optional) Sets the vertical kernel size for the morphology process.
Valid when mode is BM_LOCAL_BLOCK or BM_THRESHOLD.
- 0: The value will be set automatically by the SDK.
-1: Skip the morph operation.


Sets the process used to enhance the quality of the grayscale image for deformation resisting. It is a JSON object defined as below.

Key Name Value Type Value Range Default Value Description
Mode string GEM_GENERAL
GEM_GENERAL (Required) Sets a grayscale enhancement mode.
Sensitivity int [1, 9] 5 (Optional) Sets the sensitivity to perform the equalization process.
Valid when mode is GEM_GRAY_EQUALIZE.
A larger value means a higher possibility that gray equalization will be activated.
SmoothBlockSizeX int [3, 1000] 3 (Optional) Sets the horizontal block size (neighborhood pixel counts) for the smoothing process.
SmoothBlockSizeY int [3, 1000] 3 (Optional) Sets the vertical block size (neighborhood pixel counts) for the smoothing process.
SharpenBlockSizeX int [3, 1000] 3 (Optional) Sets the horizontal block size (neighborhood pixel counts) for the sharpening process.
Valid when mode is GEM_SHARPEN_SMOOTH.
SharpenBlockSizeY int [3, 1000] 3 (Optional) Sets the vertical block size (neighborhood pixel counts) for the sharpening process.
Valid when mode is GEM_SHARPEN_SMOOTH.


Sets the effort level used for deformation resisting. Not supported yet.

Value Type Value Range Default Value Valid For
int [1, 9] 5 DRM_GENERAL

Performance Adaptability
A larger value may improve the Read Rate but slowdown the Speed.


Sets the file name of the library to load dynamically.

Value Type Value Range Default Value Valid For
string A string value representing file name. ”” All modes

The library must be in the same place with Dynamsoft Barcode Reader Library.


Sets the parameters passed to the library to load dynamically.

Value Type Value Range Default Value Valid For
string A string value representing parameters. ”” All modes

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