Tag: chrome
Los sistemas de gestión de documentos basados en web que utilizan JavaScript/jQuery en el lado del cliente y PHP en el lado del servidor son ampliamente utilizados por las empresas. Estos sistemas permiten a los usuarios escanear documentos desde un navegador utilizando el escáner del lado del cliente, editarlos y...
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أنظمة إدارة المستندات القائمة على الويب والتي تستخدم JavaScript / JQuery للجانب العميل و PHP للجانب الخادم تستخدم على نطاق واسع من قبل الشركات. تمكن هذه الأنظمة المستخدمين من مسح المستندات من المتصفح باستخدام الماسح الضوئي للجانب العميل وتحريرها وتحميل الصور على قاعدة بيانات على الخادم. ومع ذلك، قد يستخدم...
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Web-based document management systems that leverage JavaScript/JQuery on the client-side and PHP/ASP.NET/etc on the server-side are widely utilized by businesses of all sizes. These systems allow users to scan documents directly from a browser using a client-side scanner, edit them, and subsequently upload images to a server-side database. Given the...
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Chrome has gained over 60% of market share worldwide. So, how to enable interaction with document scanners in Chrome? Dynamic Web TWAIN can work as a browser plugin that allows users to scan images and documents directly from a web browser. The plugin uses JavaScript APIs to access the computer’s...
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Google has announced that the good old user-agent string will be deprecated in the Chrome browser later this year. This change will provide better monitoring abilities, and let people know who is using this information and ultimately improve the end-users’ privacy. It is worth noting that this phase-out is currently...
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By now you should be familiar with the enabling EHR technologies and various technical considerations for adopting this application. But there are one other consideration that is often overlooked. Human Bottlenecks Often, migrating to a new technology can be a challenging and lengthy process for staff members. Healthcare providers might...
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