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The CapturedResult class represents the result of a capture operation on an image. Internally, CapturedResult stores an array that contains multiple items, each of which may be a barcode, text line, detected quad, normalized image, original image, parsed item, etc.

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Namespace: com.dynamsoft.core.basic_structures

Assembly: DynamsoftCore.aar

class CapturedResult


Method Description
getOriginalImageHashId Get the hash id of the original image. You can use this ID to get the original image via IntermediateResultManager class.
getOriginalImageTag The ImageTag associated with the original image.
getItems Get an array of CapturedResultItems, which are the basic unit of the captured results. A CapturedResultItem can be a original image, a decoded barcode, a recognized text, a detected quad, a normalized image or a parsed result. View CapturedResultItemType for all available types.
getrotationTransformMatrix Get the rotation transformation matrix of the original image relative to the rotated image.
getErrorCode Get the error code associated with the capture result.
getErrorMessage Get the error message associated with the capture result.
getDecodedBarcodesResult Get the decoded barcodes result.
getRecognizedTextLinesResult Get the recognized text lines result.
getDetectedQuadsResult Get the detected quads result.
getNormalizedImagesResult Get the normalized images result.
getParsedResult Get the parsed result.


Get the hash ID of the original image which can be used to get the original image via the IntermediateResultManager class.

String getOriginalImageHashId();

Return Value

The hash id of the original image.


Get the ImageTag of the original image that records information such as the image ID of the original image.

ImageTag getOriginalImageTag();

Return Value

The tag of the original image that records the information of the original image.


Get an array of CapturedResultItem, which is the basic unit of the captured results. A CapturedResultItem can be a original image, a decoded barcode, a recognized text, a detected quad, a normalized image, or a parsed result. View CapturedResultItemType for all available types.

CapturedResultItem[] getItems();

Return Value

An array containing the CapturedResultItem objects within the captured result.


Get the rotation transformation matrix of the original image relative to the rotated image.

Matrix getRotationTransformMatrix();

Return Value

Return the rotation transformation matrix of the original image relative to the rotated image.


Get the error code if an error occurs when processing the image.

int getErrorCode();


Get the error message if an error occurs when processing the image.

String getErrorMessage();


Get all the barcode decoding results of the CapturedResult.

DecodedBarcodesResult getDecodedBarcodesResult();

Return Value

A DecodedBarcodesResult that contains all the BarcodeResultItems of the CapturedResult.


Get all the text line recognition results of the CapturedResult.

RecognizedTextLinesResult getRecognizedTextLinesResult();

Return Value

A RecognizedTextLinesResult that contains all the TextLineResultItems of the CapturedResult.


Get all the quad detection results of the CapturedResult.

DetectedQuadsResult getDetectedQuadsResult();

Return Value

A DetectedQuadsResult that contains all the DetectedQuadResultItems of the CapturedResult.


Get all the image normalization results of the CapturedResult.

NormalizedImagesResult getNormalizedImagesResult();

Return Value

A NormalizedImagesResult that contains all the NormalizedImageResultItems of the CapturedResult.


Get all the parsed results of the CapturedResult.

ParsedResult getParsedResult();

Return Value

A ParsedResult that contains all the ParsedResultItems of the CapturedResult.

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