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How to enable DPM?

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To enable DPM, assign the DPMCRM_GENERAL enumeration to the DPMCodeReadingModes array.

You can use OutputSettingsToFile to save the current runtime settings into a JSON file:

int OutputSettingsToFile(const char* templateName, const char* filePath)

Here is a JSON snippet for enabling DPM, update it in your output template:

    "BarcodeReaderTaskSettingOptions" : 
            "DPMCodeReadingModes" : 
                    "Mode" : "DPMCRM_GENERAL"

Once the JSON string is set, you can initialize the runtime settings to use it via the InitSettingsFromFile to update your current runtime settings with your modified template:

int InitSettingsFromFile(const char* filePath, char errorMsgBuffer[]=NULL, const int errorMsgBufferLen=0)

Please note that if you are modifying any other settings, you can include them in the JSON string/file as well, or you can access them individually after calling either of the aforementioned methods.

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