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How to use offline registration license type?

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You can follow the steps below to manually register the device and get the license key for each device:

  1. Log in Customer Portal -> Click the Activate button to activate the license activate

  2. Select the 3rd option “No License Server. Register Offline Device(s) Manually” and click Activate. offline-activate

  3. Click the Add Device button then it will pop up a dialog. Download the tool from the pop up. uuid-tool

  4. Unzip the file and run the GenerateUUID tool on the device to be registered and get the UUID.

For Windows:
-Open Command Prompt (cmd.exe)
-Change the working directory to the one where GenerateUUID.exe is
-Run the command GenerateUUID.exe
The returned string, e.g. 8ECCA3B6-66F9-4fd6-B6B6-308C874140C6, is the machine ID.

For Linux:
-Open Terminal
-Change the working directory to the one where GenerateUUID.exe is
-Run the command ` sudo chmod 777 GenerateUUID<br> -After inputting the password, run ./GenerateUUID`

You will see the generated UUID like this (the ID should be different)
“230e089a-7dc3-4caa-9c77-f7cc6d567f9b” is the generated UUID. You can now use it to register the device and get an Authorization String for it.

Note: If your device is an arm based architecture, please use get device uuid API to generate the uuid:

# sample code in python

Note: If you want multiple users in operating system to use the license, you will need to move the .Dynamsoft folder to a path where all the users can access. Let us say /Home/shared/.Dynamsoft. For all the programs in the devices, you will need to set the license cache path to /Home/shared before initialize the license

# set license cache path before initialize the license
  1. Input the generated UUID and device name and click Submit. submit-uuid

  2. Then an authorization string will be generated. This string is the license for this device. Copy the license and set it in the code cp-license

Code snippet in JavaScript:

Dynamsoft.DBR.BarcodeScanner.license = "DLC2+4LgkxoZik5yCuJxMDneqJPVQZJROL…";
let scanner = await Dynamsoft.DBR.BarcodeScanner.createInstance();

Code snippet in C:

  char errorBuf[512];
  DBR_InitLicense("DLC2+4LgkxoZik5yCuJxMDneqJPVQZJROL…", errorBuf, 512);
  void* barcodeReader = DBR_CreateInstance();
  // add further process

Code snippet in C++

  char errorBuf[512];
  dynamsoft::dbr::CBarcodeReader::InitLicense("DLC2+4LgkxoZik5yCuJxMDneqJPVQZJROL …", errorBuf, 512);
  CBarcodeReader* reader = new CBarcodeReader();
  // add further process

Code snippet in C#:

string errorMsg;
  BarcodeReader.InitLicense("DLC2+4LgkxoZik5yCuJxMDneqJPVQZJROL…", out errorMsg);
  BarcodeReader reader = new BarcodeReader();
  // add further process

Code snippet in Java:

  BarcodeReader reader = new BarcodeReader();
  // add further process

Code snippet in Python:

error = BarcodeReader.init_license("DLC2+4LgkxoZik5yCuJxMDneqJPVQZJROL…")
dbr = BarcodeReader()

Code snippet in Android SDK:

BarcodeReader.initLicense("DLC2+4LgkxoZik5yCuJxMDneqJPVQZJROL…", new DBRLicenseVerificationListener() {
  public void DBRLicenseVerificationCallback(boolean isSuccessful, Exception e) {
// Add your code for license verification.

Code snippet in Objective-C:

[DynamsoftBarcodeReader initLicense:@" DLC2+4LgkxoZik5yCuJxMDneqJPVQZJROL…" verificationDelegate:self];
- (void)DBRLicenseVerificationCallback:(bool)isSuccess error:(NSError *)error
  // Add your code for license verification.

Code snippet in Swift:

DynamsoftBarcodeReader.initLicense("DLC2+4LgkxoZik5yCuJxMDneqJPVQZJROL…", verificationDelegate: self)
func dbrLicenseVerificationCallback(_ isSuccess: Bool, error: Error?)
  // Add your code for license verification.

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