BarcodeReader Class
Method | Description |
BarcodeReader |
Initialization of BarcodeReader object. |
Video Decoding Methods
Method | Description |
setCameraEnhancer |
Bind a Camera Enhancer instance to the Barcode Reader. |
startScanning |
Start the barcode reading thread. |
stopScanning |
Stop the barcode reading thread. |
setTextResultListener |
Set TextResult listener to get result from the callback method when barcode is decoded. |
setIntermediateResultListener |
Set intermediateResult listener to get intermediate result from the callback method. |
setMinImageReadingInterval |
Set the minimum interval between two barcode decoding. |
getMinImageReadingInterval |
Get the minimum interval between two barcode decoding. |
setImageSource |
Set the ImageSource as the source of video streaming. |
enableResultVerification |
Enable Result Verification feature to improve the accuracy of barcode results for video streaming barcode decoding. |
enableDuplicateFilter |
Enable Duplicate Filter feature to filter out the duplicate results in the period of duplicateForgetTime for video barcode decoding. |
setDuplicateForgetTime |
Set the property of duplicateForgetTime , Default value is 3000(ms). |
getDuplicateForgetTime |
Get the property of duplicateForgetTime . |
is deprecated, please usesetTextResultListener
is deprecated, please usesetIntermediateResultListener
Image Decoding Methods
Method | Description |
decodeBuffer |
Decode barcodes from raw buffer. |
decodeFile |
Decode barcodes from a specified image file. |
decodeFileInMemory |
Decode barcodes from an image file in memory. |
decodeBase64String |
Decode barcodes from a base64 encoded string. |
decodeBufferedImage |
Decodes barcode from a buffered image (bitmap). |
Method | Description |
initLicense |
Read product key and activate the SDK. |
setDeviceFriendlyName |
Sets a human-readable name that identifies the device. |
The following license activation methods are deprecated:
Please useinitLicense
Parameter and Runtime Settings
Method | Description |
getRuntimeSettings |
Get current runtime settings. |
updateRuntimeSettings (with struct) |
Modify and update the current runtime settings. |
updateRuntimeSettings (with preset template) |
Update runtime settings from one of the preset templates. |
resetRuntimeSettings |
Reset runtime settings to default. |
Method | Description |
initRuntimeSettingsWithFile |
Initialize runtime settings with the settings in a given JSON file. |
initRuntimeSettingsWithString |
Initialize runtime settings with the settings in a given JSON string. |
appendTplFileToRuntimeSettings |
Append a new template file to the current runtime settings. |
appendTplStringToRuntimeSettings |
Append a new template string to the current runtime settings. |
getAllParameterTemplateNames |
Gets the parameter templates name array. |
outputSettingsToFile |
Output runtime settings to a settings file (JSON file). |
outputSettingsToString |
Output runtime settings to a string. |
setModeArgument |
Set argument value for the specified mode parameter. |
getModeArgument |
Get argument value for the specified mode parameter. |
Method | Description |
initIntermediateResult |
Inits an intermediateResult struct with default values. |
getIntermediateResults |
Get intermediate results. |
decodeIntermediateResults |
Decodes barcode from intermediate results. |
Status Retrieval
Method | Description |
getVersion |
Get version information of SDK. |
setLogConfig |
Set the directory and the saving mode of log. It helps you on debugging. |