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What are the system requirements for running the latest version of Dynamsoft Barcode Reader?

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System Requirements

The latest version of DBR requires the following features to work:

  • Secure context (HTTPS deployment)

    When deploying your application / website for production, make sure to serve it via a secure HTTPS connection. This is required for two reasons

    • Access to the camera video stream is only granted in a security context. Most browsers impose this restriction.

      Some browsers like Chrome may grant the access for and http://localhost or even for pages opened directly from the local disk (file:///...). This can be helpful for temporary development and test.

    • Dynamsoft License requires a secure context to work.
  • WebAssembly, Blob, URL/createObjectURL, Web Workers

    The above four features are required for the SDK to work.

  • MediaDevices/getUserMedia

    This API is required for in-browser video streaming.

  • getSettings

    This API inspects the video input which is a MediaStreamTrack object about its constrainable properties.

The following table is a list of supported browsers based on the above requirements:

Browser Name Version
Chrome v78+1
Firefox v68+1
Edge v79+
Safari v14+

1 devices running iOS needs to be on iOS 14.3+ for camera video streaming to work in Chrome, Firefox or other Apps using webviews.

Apart from the browsers, the operating systems may impose some limitations of their own that could restrict the use of the SDK. Browser compatibility ultimately depends on whether the browser on that particular operating system supports the features listed above.

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