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Configure Runtime Settings


  • It is recommended to complete the Getting Started page before you start configuring the runtime settings.

PublicRuntimeSettings is the struct that includes the majority of available barcode decoding settings. There is a series of methods for you to get, optimize or even reset the settings. On this page, you will be guided on how to initialize, optimize or reset the barcode decoding settings.

Initialize Settings

You can initialize the parameter settings for your Android barcode reader with a template or simply start with the default settings. When the template is added to the project, you can still add additional settings to the project to further optimize the performance of the barcode reader to cover your requirements.

Initialize with Preset Template

The preset templates are listed as follow:

Template Name Description
DEFAULT Reset to default barcode decoding parameters.
VIDEO_SINGLE_BARCODE Switch to single barcode decoding template. The parameter settings will be optimized to reach a higher speed on processing single barcode.
VIDEO_SPEED_FIRST Switch to speed first template for video streaming barcode decoding. The barcode processing speed will be improved for the majority of video barcode decoding scenarios.
IMAGE_SPEED_FIRST Switch to speed first template for image barcode decoding. The barcode processing speed will be improved for the majority of video barcode decoding scenarios.
VIDEO_READ_RATE_FIRST Switch to read rate first template for video streaming barcode decoding. The barcode reader will be able to successfully decode on the majority of barcodes when decoding from the video streaming.
IMAGE_READ_RATE_FIRST Switch to read rate first template for image barcode decoding. The barcode reader will be able to successfully decode as many barcodes as possible from a single image.

The preset templates can be update via method updateRuntimeSettings. When a new template is selected, all the previous barcode parameter settings are reset to the newly select template values.

Initialize with Customized Template

Dynamsoft Technical Support can help you on providing a customized barcode decoding template. Feel free to contact us when:

  • The performance is not satisfying.
  • The templates are puzzling
  • You have specific requirements on the performance

The template will be a JSON file/string that can be uploaded via method initRuntimeSettingsWithFile and initRuntimeSettingsWithString. Similar to the preset templates, you can add additional settings to optimize the performance. The following information will help us provide you with a better template.

  • The targeting barcode formats.
  • The device information (hardware model, software version).
  • The barcode scanning distance.
  • Sample image or video for the usage scenarios.
BarcodeReader reader = new BarcodeReader();
// Input a stringified JSON data in the method to initialize the template.
// You can set whether to inherit or overwrite the previous settings.
reader.initRuntimeSettingsWithString("{\"Version\":\"3.0\", \"ImageParameter\":{\"Name\":\"IP1\", \"BarcodeFormatIds\":[\"BF_QR_CODE\"], \"ExpectedBarcodesCount\":10}}", EnumConflictMode.CM_OVERWRITE);

Optimize Settings

The templates are designed to simplify the parameter settings. It might not cover the requirements. Modes parameters and other settings like barcode formats are available in the PublicRuntimeSettings class. You can use the following steps to change the settings. When you update the settings, only the newly configured settings will be changed and the other settings will remain the same.

Step 1. getRuntimeSettings

Use the following code to get the current settings.

PublicRuntimeSettings runtimeSettings = barcodeReader.getRuntimeSettings();

The runtimeSettings you got from getRuntimeSettings is an object of PublicRuntimeSettings. In the object, there are the settings you previously updated via templates. You can view and directly change the parameter values in the PublicRuntimeSettings object.

Step 2. Optimize the required settings

Since you have got the runtimeSettings, you can add the following code to change the settings in the object. Here, BarcodeFormats and LocalizationModes will be illustrated as an example for optimizing the settings.

PublicRuntimeSettings runtimeSettings = barcodeReader.getRuntimeSettings();

// You can specify the barcode formats via runtime settings.
runtimeSettings.barcodeFormatIds = EnumBarcodeFormat.BF_ONED | EnumBarcodeFormat.BF_QR_CODE;

// LocalizationModes is the modes parameter that controls how the barcodes will be located.
// Localization mode "scan directly" and "connected blocks" are enabled here.
// You can enable at most 8 modes for each modes parameter.
runtimeSettings.localizationModes = new int[]{EnumLocalizationMode.LM_SCAN_DIRECTLY,EnumLocalizationMode.LM_CONNECTED_BLOCKS};

Step 3. updateRuntimeSettings

When you have already completed the settings, you can update the settings via the method updateRuntimeSettings. All the settings you have configured will be updated to the barcode reader and the other settings will remain the same.

PublicRuntimeSettings runtimeSettings = barcodeReader.getRuntimeSettings();
runtimeSettings.barcodeFormatIds = EnumBarcodeFormat.BF_ONED | EnumBarcodeFormat.BF_QR_CODE;
runtimeSettings.localizationModes = new int[]{EnumLocalizationMode.LM_SCAN_DIRECTLY,EnumLocalizationMode.LM_CONNECTED_BLOCKS};
// Update all above settings.

Please note, when there exists an invalid value in the runtimeSetting object you want to update, none of the settings are updated.

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