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How to get rid of the delay when opening the camera?

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Version 10

1. Invoke loadWasm

Preload BarcodeReader or other specified module proactively to save time on the initial decoding by skipping the module loading at the time of instance creation.

await Dynamsoft.Core.CoreModule.loadWasm(["DBR"]);

2. skip camera inspection

You can bypass the camera selectionifSkipCameraInspection


3. Pre-open camera in advance

Run the following code before calling createInstance.

navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({video: true}).then(mediaStream=>{
  mediaStream.getTracks().forEach((track) => {
}, err=>{});

Version 9

1. Invoke loadWasm in advance


2. Pre-open the camera in advance

Run the following code before calling createInstance.

navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({video: true}).then(mediaStream=>{
  mediaStream.getTracks().forEach((track) => {
}, err=>{});

3. Skip Camera inspection(use default camera)

scanner.ifSkipCameraInspection = true;

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