Xamarin Barcode and QR Reader SDK

dotnet add package Dynamsoft.CaptureVision.Xamarin.Forms

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Try the Barcode Reader in Your Xamarin App

Efficiently embed high-speed and reliable Xamarin barcode reader into your mobile application using just a few lines of C# code to meet your business needs. Support all common and rare barcode types including 1D barcodes, QR codes, postal codes, and more. Read the most challenging barcodes even when it’s upside-down, in low light, in motion, or in the rain. Optimized mobile video stream decoding in 1/1000 of a second.

  • Fast and Robust
  • Scan Multiple Barcodes
  • Customizable Scan Settings
  • Flexible Licensing
DCV Xamarin

System Requirements


  • NETStandard.Library 2.0+
  • Xamarin.Forms
  • Xamarin.Essentials: 1.3.1+ (1.4.0+ Recommended)


  • Supported OS: iOS 9.0 or higher.
  • Supported ABI: arm64 and x86_64.
  • Development Environment: Xcode 10 and above.


  • Supported OS: Android 5.0 (API Level 21) or higher.
  • Supported ABI: armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86 and x86_64.
  • Development Environment: Android Studio 3.4+ (Android Studio 4.2+ recommended).
  • JDK: 1.8+

Barcode and QR Code Scanner Mobile App

Transform mobile phones and tablets into enterprise-grade barcode scanning and data capture tools.

Supported Symbologies

Linear Barcodes (1D)

Code 39 (including Code 39 Extended), Code 93, Code 128, Codabar, Interleaved 2 of 5, EAN-8, EAN-13, UPC-A, UPC-E, Industrial 2 of 5, MSI (Modified Plessey), Code 11, GS1 DataBar, Telepen

2D Barcodes

QR Code (including Micro QR Code), Data Matrix, PDF417 (including Micro PDF417), Aztec Code, MaxiCode (mode 2-5), DotCode

Postal Codes

USPS Intelligent Mail, Postnet, Planet, Australian Post, UK Royal Mail

Patch Code

GS1 Composite Code


Getting Started With Dynamsoft Xamarin Barcode Reader

The Dynamsoft Xamarin Barcode Reader SDK is available as an npm package. Build your own Xamarin Barcode Reader app in a few lines of code:

Initialize the Project:

DCVCameraEnhancer dce = new DCVCameraEnhancer(context: this);
DCVBarcodeReader dbr = new DCVBarcodeReader();
LoadApplication(new App(dce, dbr));
DCVCameraEnhancer dce = new DCVCameraEnhancer();
DCVBarcodeReader dbr = new DCVBarcodeReader();
LoadApplication(new App(dce, dbr));
public partial class App : Application, ILicenseVerificationListener{
    public App(IDCVCameraEnhancer dce, IDCVBarcodeReader dbr)
        barcodeReader.InitLicense("DLS2eyJvcmdhbml6YXRpb25JRCI6IjIwMDAwMSJ9", this);
    public void LicenseVerificationCallback(bool isSuccess, string msg)
        if (!isSuccess)

Configure the Barcode Reader:

DBRRuntimeSettings settings = barcodeReader.GetRuntimeSettings();
settings.BarcodeFormatIds = EnumBarcodeFormat.BF_ONED;
settings.ExpectedBarcodeCount = 0;
settings.Timeout = 1000;

Check out our full Xamarin documentation to learn more about customized settings for your usage scenario.

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